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[英]Add Event Listener on Javascript

I'm new to javascript and can't figure out why the following code isn't working: 我是javascript新手,无法弄清楚以下代码为何不起作用:

 var toChange = document.getElementById("greeting"); toChange.addEventListener("mouseOver", function() { this.innerHTML = "Hi"; }); 
  <p id="greeting">Hello.</p> 

I've thoroughly researched event listeners, and I can't figure out why this code won't work. 我已经对事件侦听器进行了深入的研究,我不知道为什么此代码无法正常工作。 Thank you. 谢谢。

Event names are case-sensitive. 事件名称区分大小写。 Here's your code, with mouseOver replaced with mouseover . 这是您的代码,其中mouseOver替换为mouseover

 var toChange = document.getElementById("greeting"); toChange.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { this.innerHTML = "Hi"; }); 
  <p id="greeting">Hello.</p> 


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