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[英]How to pass query params into sequelize when params describe relations

For instance, I have model Student and a couple of models that relates to it. 例如,我有Student模型和几个与此模型相关的模型。 Let it be Class , Absence and Grade . 让它成为ClassAbsenceGrade

Definitions for this models: 该模型的定义:

var Student = sequelize.define('Student', {
    class_id : DataTypes.INTEGER,
    name : DataTypes.INTEGER,
    gender : DataTypes.ENUM('male', 'female')
    is_paid : DataTypes.BOOLEAN

var Class = sequelize.define('Class', {
    name : DataTypes.STRING

var Absense = sequelize.define('Absense', {
    student_id : DataTypes.INTEGER
    date : DataTypes.DATEONLY,

var Grade = sequelize.define('Grade', {
    student_id : 
    subject : DataTypes.ENUM('singing', 'dancing')
    value : DataTypes.INTEGER

Absense.belongsTo(Student, { foreign_key : 'student_id' });
Grade.belongsTo(Student, { foreign_key : 'student_id' })

I want to add endpoint to list entities for this model. 我想添加端点以列出该模型的实体。 But also I want to allow to use optional filters in this endpoint. 但我也想允许在此端点中使用可选过滤器。 So both of this usages will be possible: 因此,这两种用法都是可能的:

  • GET api.acme.com/v0.1/users
  • GET api.acme.com/v0.1/users? class=1,3 &gender=male &is_paid=true &absences=true &avg_grade=gt:3 &limit=20&offset=0&order=avg_grade%20DESC

While I handle params that present in Student , it's easy: 当我处理Student中存在的参数时,很简单:

var condition = {};

req.params.is_paid && condition.is_paid = boolean(req.params.is_paid);
req.params.gender && condition.gender = { $in : req.params.gender.split(',') };
req.params.class && condition.class = { $in : req.params.class.split(',') };

res.json(await Student.findAll({
    where : condition,
    limit : req.query.limit || 20,
    offset : req.query.offset || 0,
    order : req.query.order || 'id ASC'

But when I want to add implement absense or avg_grade filter, I have to step down from sequelize and write raw query for this that turns to be huge. 但是,当我要添加实施absenseavg_grade过滤器,我必须从sequelize下台,及写这变成是巨大的原始查询。

Right now I'm thinking about creating special students_expanded view for this, but I want to be sure, I'm not missing anything. 现在,我正在考虑为此创建特殊的students_expanded视图,但我想确定的是,我没有丢失任何内容。 Is there any way to do this using Sequelize? 有什么办法可以使用Sequelize做到这一点吗?

Add an include object with the requested model and filter and set required: true on it. 添加include请求的模型和过滤器的include对象,并将其设置为required: true

The following would show all students with an absence: 以下内容将显示所有缺勤的学生:

    where : condition,
    limit : req.query.limit || 20,
    offset : req.query.offset || 0,
    order : req.query.order || 'id ASC'
    include: {
        model: Absense,
        required: true

The average grade is trickier, because you need to aggregate the grades to get the average - see Average of grouped data in column using Sequelize 平均成绩比较棘手,因为您需要汇总成绩才能得出平均值-请参见使用Sequelize列中的分组数据的平均值

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