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[英]How to add a property/use method_missing approach to an ActiveRecord object in Rails?

I'm querying a mysql database and returning an array of objects created by a join. 我正在查询mysql数据库并返回由联接创建的对象数组。 From what I understand, the ActiveRecord select command returns an array of new objects, each with the properties of both tables in the join. 据我了解,ActiveRecord select命令返回一个新对象数组,每个对象都具有联接中两个表的属性。

I want to perform some calculations on each of these objects, and associate a few attributes with the object. 我想对这些对象中的每一个执行一些计算,并将一些属性与该对象相关联。 I understand that if this was my class, I could use the method_missing approach as seen here . 我知道,如果这是我的课程,则可以使用此处看到的method_missing方法。 However, since this object is created by the select command, I don't have class code where I can define the add_attrs function. 但是,由于此对象是由select命令创建的,因此我没有可定义add_attrs函数的类代码。 Is this possible? 这可能吗? Is using method_missing the correct approach and if so, how do I implement it? 使用method_missing是否使用正确的方法,如果是,该如何实现?

Here is the initial query which returns an array of ActiveRecord objects. 这是返回ActiveRecord对象数组的初始查询。

def self.select_with_location
    select("advertisements.id, advertisements.weight, locations.latitude, locations.longitude")

If I were to go to the ruby console and type the commands 如果要转到ruby控制台并键入命令

advertisements = Advertisement.joins(:locations).select_with_location
puts advertisements[0].inspect

I should get something like: 我应该得到类似的东西:

{id: 0, weight: 5, locations.latitude: 49.03030, locations.longitude: 50.5050}

Now, what I want is to iterate through the advertisements and perform a calculation on each of the weights. 现在,我想要遍历广告并对每个权重进行计算。 I want to store the results of that calculation into a new attribute of advertisement, which I want to call weight_multiplier . 我想将计算结果存储到广告的新属性中,我将其称为weight_multiplier After this calculation, if I go to the ruby console and type the following command: 经过此计算后,如果我转到ruby控制台并键入以下命令:

puts advertisements[0].inspect

I would want to get the result 我想得到结果

{id:0, weight: 5, locations.latitude: 49.03030, locations.longitude: 50.5050, weight_multiplier: 0.446003}

In this example the numbers themselves aren't important, I just want to add the weight_multiplier attribute to each of the advertisements in the array. 在此示例中,数字本身并不重要,我只想向数组中的每个广告添加weight_multiplier属性。

I know the following code is incorrect, but this is the gist of what the function will do: 我知道以下代码不正确,但这是该函数将执行的要旨:

def self.assign_weight_multiplier advertisements
    totalWeights = advertisements.inject(0){|sum,advertisement| sum + advertisement.weight }
    advertisements.each do |advertisement|
      advertisement.weight_multiplier = (Float(advertisement.weight)/Float(totalWeights))

You can add 2 new methods to your Advertisement class 您可以向自己的Advertisement类添加2个新方法

def total_weight
  @total_weight ||= Advertisement.sum(:weight)

def weight_multiplier
  self.weight.to_f / total_weight

then you can call weight_multiplier as a instance method on Advertisement instance 那么您可以将weight_multiplier用作Advertisement实例的实例方法

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