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[英]Resize image in NSTextView to fit

I have NSAttributedString objects with embedded images. 我有带有嵌入图像的NSAttributedString对象。 These are being presented in NSTextView s. 这些将在NSTextView中呈现。 In iOS, I was able to resize the bounds of NSTextAttachment , and this makes the image fit. 在iOS中,我能够调整NSTextAttachment大小,这使图像合适。

extension NSTextAttachment {
    func setImageWidth(width: CGFloat, range: NSRange) {
        var thisImage = image
        if thisImage == nil {
            thisImage = imageForBounds(bounds, textContainer: nil, characterIndex: range.location)
        if thisImage != nil {
            let ratio = thisImage!.size.height / thisImage!.size.width
            bounds = CGRectMake(bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, width, ratio * width)
            print("New Bounds: \(bounds)")

This code also runs on OSX, but it does not actually resize the image. 该代码也可以在OSX上运行,但实际上不会调整图像的大小。 Below you can see, there is a box of the correct size around the image, but the actual image overflows the box. 在下面可以看到,图像周围有一个正确大小的框,但是实际图像溢出了该框。


I have also followed the following guide: Implementing Rich Text with Images on OS X and iOS . 我还遵循以下指南: 在OS X和iOS上实现带有图像的RTF This moves the code to subclasses, but has the same effect. 这会将代码移至子类,但效果相同。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? Is there something besides NSTextAttachment.bounds that I should be adjusting? 除了NSTextAttachment.bounds之外,还有其他我应该调整的东西吗?


I found that modifying the size component of NSImage works! 我发现修改NSImagesize组件有效! However, it is now showing all my images upside, but at the correct size. 但是,它现在以正确的尺寸显示了我所有的图像。 :( :(

Solved! 解决了!

extension NSImage {
    func resizeToFit(containerWidth: CGFloat) {
        var scaleFactor : CGFloat = 1.0
        let currentWidth = self.size.width
        let currentHeight = self.size.height
        if currentWidth > containerWidth {
            scaleFactor = (containerWidth * 0.9) / currentWidth
        let newWidth = currentWidth * scaleFactor
        let newHeight = currentHeight * scaleFactor

        self.size = NSSize(width: newWidth, height: newHeight)
        print("Size: \(size)")

As I mentioned in the update, you need to change the NSImage.size . 正如我在更新中提到的那样,您需要更改NSImage.size The flip was coming from one of the subclasses I had left in there from the link in the question. 翻转来自我从问题链接中留在其中的一个子类中。 Once I went back to the main classes, it works! 回到主要班级后,它就可以了!

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