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在JavaScript for Automation中使用objC bridge Contacts框架

[英]use objC bridge Contacts framework in JavaScript for Automation

How do I use the ObjC bridge Contacts framework in JavaScript for Automation? 如何在JavaScript for Automation中使用ObjC bridge Contacts框架? I am able to use the old AddressBook framework, but not the Contacts one. 我可以使用旧的AddressBook框架,但不能使用Contacts框架。

Let's say I have an ID: 假设我有一个ID:

id = Application("Contacts").myCard().id()

The old AddressBook framework works fine: 旧的AddressBook框架可以正常工作:


book = $.ABAddressBook.addressBook
person = book.recordForUniqueId(id)

But how to use the Contacts framework? 但是如何使用联系人框架? I tried (based on the documentation for unifiedContactWithIdentifier ): 我试过了(根据unifiedContactWithIdentifier的文档):


keysToFetch = [ $.CNContactGivenNameKey, $.CNContactFamilyNameKey ]

store = $.CNContactStore
store.unifiedContactWithIdentifierKeysToFetchError( id, keysToFetch, null )

This fails with Error -2700: Script error. 这将失败,并显示错误-2700:脚本错误。 The popup says TypeError: store.unifiedContactWithIdentifierKeysToFetchError is not a function 弹出窗口显示TypeError: store.unifiedContactWithIdentifierKeysToFetchError is not a function

Edit : an even more basic example, the defaultContainerIdentifier method gives an undefined output: 编辑 :一个更基本的示例, defaultContainerIdentifier方法提供了undefined输出:

store = $.CNContactStore
/* [Class CNContactStore] */
/* undefined */

In the first case you get an instance of the class using a class method +addressBook . 在第一种情况下,您可以使用类方法+addressBook获得该类的实例。 In the second case you have no instance and you are trying to call an instance method. 在第二种情况下,您没有实例,并且试图调用实例方法。 You cannot call instance methods on a class. 您不能在类上调用实例方法。

I suppose you have to create a new instance using: 我想您必须使用以下方法创建一个新实例:

store = $.CNContactStore.alloc.init

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