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ECMAScript 6箭头功能

[英]ECMAScript 6 arrow functions

var getTempItem = id => ({ id: id, name: "Temp" });

I know the above arrow function is equivalent to: 我知道上面的箭头功能等效于:

var getTempItem = function(id) {

    return {
        id: id,
        name: "Temp"

But I'm a bit confused about the following 但是我对以下内容有些困惑

const Todo = ({ onClick, completed, text }) => (
      textDecoration: completed ? 'line-through' : 'none'

Why are the function arguments wrapped in curly braces, and the the function body is wrapped only in parentheses? 为什么函数参数用大括号括起来,而函数主体仅用括号括起来?

A few syntactic sugar elements of ES6 are at play here: ES6的一些语法糖元素在这里起作用:

  • Parameter destructuring : The function actually takes one object, but before the function is executed, its sole object parameter is deconstructed into three variables. 参数解构 :该函数实际上使用一个对象,但是在执行该函数之前,将其唯一的对象参数解构为三个变量。 Basically, if the argument passed to the function is called obj, then the onClick variable is assigned the value of obj.onClick, and same with the other named destructure variables. 基本上,如果传递给函数的参数称为obj,则为onClick变量分配obj.onClick的值,并与其他命名的分解变量相同。
  • Concise arrow bodies : An arrow function that only needs one expression can use the concise form. 简洁的箭头主体 :只需一个表达式的箭头函数就可以使用简洁的形式。 For example, x => 2*x is an arrow function that returns its input times two. 例如,x => 2 * x是一个箭头函数,返回其输入乘以2。 However, the ES6 grammar specification says that a curly brace after the arrow must be interpreted as a statement block. 但是,ES6语法规范指出,箭头后的花括号必须解释为语句块。 So in order to return an object using a concise body, you have to wrap the object expression in parentheses. 因此,为了使用简洁的主体返回对象,必须将对象表达式括在括号中。
  • JSX : Parentheses are commonly used around JSX expressions that need to span more than one line. JSX :括号通常用于需要跨越多行的JSX表达式。

Bonus: One manner in which arrow functions are different from function declarations and function expressions is in the fact that in an arrow function (even one with a non-concise body), the values of arguments and this are the same as the containing scope. 奖金:其中箭头功能是从函数声明和函数表达式不同的一种方式是在一个事实,即在箭头功能(甚至用非简明体),的值argumentsthis是相同的包含范围内。 So calling an arrow function with .call or .apply will have no effect, and you need to use rest parameters if you want your arrow function to take a variable number of arguments. 所以调用带有箭头的功能.call.apply不会有任何效果,你需要的,如果你希望你的箭头功能可以带可变数量的参数,使用其余的参数。

Function body wrapped in parentheses returns the value of expression wrapped in parentheses. 括在括号中的函数体返回括在括号中的表达式的值。

var getTempItem = id => ({ id: id, name: "Temp" });
var getTempItem = id => {return { id: id, name: "Temp" }};
// Identical

Showing it with an example. 举例说明。

Parameter Destructuring: 参数解构:

Here you can see that while logEmployee function is taking in two parameters, we are only passing in the employee object as a part of the code. 在这里您可以看到,虽然logEmployee函数使用两个参数,但我们只是将employee对象作为代码的一部分传入。 We are not passing individual parameters. 我们没有传递单个参数。 So at runtime the employee object's contents are extracted to match the params that the function is expecting and are passed in accordingly. 因此,在运行时,将提取员工对象的内容以匹配该函数期望的参数,并相应地将其传递。

const employee = {
 id: 1,
 name: "John",
 age: 28

const logEmployee = ({name, age}) => (
  console.log(name, age)


Note that only name and age are required by the function, so only those two properties will be destructured from the employee object. 请注意,该功能仅需要名称和年龄,因此只有这两个属性将从雇员对象中解构。

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