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[英]Adding a secondary recipient to sign a document

We are using the DocuSign REST services and currently passing in the recipients required to sign the document from two People columns in a SharePoint document library. 我们正在使用DocuSign REST服务,当前正在从SharePoint文档库的两个“人员”列中传递对文档进行签名所需的收件人。 The client would now like to have it that they have secondary signers, eg the original users could sign but if they are not available their assistant must do so. 客户现在希望拥有辅助签名者,例如原始用户可以签名,但是如果他们不可用,则其助手必须签名。 What would be the best solution for this? 最好的解决方案是什么?

I noticed mention of something similar here: Docusign multiple signers for one signature line 我注意到这里提到了类似的内容: Docusign一个签名行有多个签名人

They want this to happen at run time though, so the email addresses get sent on the original request to create the envelope and this solution above speaks more to the concept of creating them via the DocuSign interface which is not ideal for them. 他们希望这种情况在运行时发生,因此,电子邮件地址是在原始请求中发送的,以创建信封,而上面的解决方案更说明了通过DocuSign接口创建信封的概念,这对他们而言并不理想。 Has anyone else tried this? 还有其他人尝试过吗?

Do the assistants sign as themselves or on behalf of the original signer? 助手是自己签名还是代表原始签名者签名? I'm making some assumptions here, but most assistants would have access to their boss' emails, so presumably they'd have access to the DocuSign notifications that comes though. 我在这里做一些假设,但是大多数助手都可以访问其老板的电子邮件,因此大概他们可以访问随后出现的DocuSign通知。 In that case, the assistant could simply sign as the original signer by clicking through to the envelope from the email. 在这种情况下,助手可以通过单击电子邮件中的信封来简单地签名为原始签名者。 While this is usually a bit of an eyebrow raising move in terms of security, the reality is that many partners in law firms already delegate their authority to their PAs to sign on their behalf, and today these PAs have copies of all their bosses' signature images to place on documents. 尽管这通常在安全性方面让人大跌眼镜,但现实情况是,律师事务所的许多合作伙伴已经将其权力委托给PA代表他们签字,而今天,这些PA都有其所有老板签字的副本放置在文档上的图像。

A slightly better move, if the requirement is for the assistant to sign under their own name, is to go into the envelope from their boss' email and reassign the envelope to themselves. 如果要求助理以自己的名字签名,则更好的办法是从老板的电子邮件中进入信封,然后将信封重新分配给自己。 Then they will receive an email and they can sign under their own name and all of this will show in the audit trail. 然后他们将收到一封电子邮件,并可以用自己的名字签名,所有这些都将显示在审核跟踪中。

Either way there isn't anything you need to do from an API perspective apart from ensuring the right features are turned on to allow signers to reassign. 无论哪种方式,从API角度来看,除了确保打开正确的功能以允许签名者重新分配之外,您都不需要执行任何操作。

The other option is using Signing Groups, but the groups need to be set up beforehand in the DocuSign account and your API call will enter the signing group ID (under the "signingGroupId" parameter) instead of the recipient name and email. 另一个选项是使用“签名组”,但是需要预先在DocuSign帐户中设置组,并且您的API调用将输入签名组ID(在“ signingGroupId”参数下),而不是收件人名称和电子邮件。 This means either the boss or their assistant could sign if they are in the same signing group, but does not enforce one over the other. 这意味着,如果老板或他们的助手在同一个签名组中,则他们都可以签名,但不对对方强加。

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