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如何使用 webpack 填充 Promise?

[英]How can I polyfill Promise with webpack?

I'm using webpack to bundle up my JavaScript.我正在使用 webpack 来捆绑我的 JavaScript。 I'm depending on modules like popsicle which use any-promise .我依赖于像popsicle这样使用any-promise 的模块。

Here's my code:这是我的代码:

var popsicle = require('popsicle');
popsicle.get('/').then(function() {
  console.log('loaded URL');

This works fine in browsers where Promise is available, but IE 11 does not provide Promise .这在Promise可用的浏览器中工作正常,但IE 11 不提供 Promise So I want to use es6-promise as a polyfill.所以我想使用es6-promise作为polyfill

I tried adding an explicit ProvidePlugin to my webpack.config.js :我尝试添加一个明确的ProvidePluginwebpack.config.js

plugins: [
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    'Promise': 'exports?global.Promise!es6-promise'

But I still get the error in IE 11: any-promise browser requires a polyfill or explicit registration eg: require('any-promise/register/bluebird') .但我仍然在 IE 11 中遇到错误: any-promise browser requires a polyfill or explicit registration eg: require('any-promise/register/bluebird')

I tried explicitly attaching a global:我尝试明确附加一个全局:

global.Promise = global.Promise || require('es6-promise');

But IE 11 gives a different error: Object doesn't support this action .但是 IE 11 给出了一个不同的错误: Object doesn't support this action

I also tried explicitly registering es6-promise:我还尝试明确注册 es6-promise:

var popsicle = require('popsicle');

This works, but I have to do it in every single file that loads popsicle .这有效,但我必须在加载popsicle每个文件中执行此操作。 I want to just attach Promise to window .我只想将Promise附加到window

How can I ensure window.Promise is always defined, using webpack?我如何才能确保window.Promise总是被定义,使用的WebPack?

Full repo demo here .完整的回购演示在这里

For people using babel in combination with webpack: you can use babel-polyfill对于将 babel 与 webpack 结合使用的人:您可以使用babel-polyfill

Just do npm install --save "babel-polyfill" and then add it as an entry point in your webpack.config.js:只需执行npm install --save "babel-polyfill"然后将其添加为 webpack.config.js 的入口点:

module.exports = {
   entry: ['babel-polyfill', './app/js']

Or, instead of using the entire babel-polyfill you can install core-js and reference only the module you need.或者,您可以安装core-js并仅引用您需要的模块,而不是使用整个 babel-polyfill。

module.exports = {
   entry: ['core-js/stable/promise', './app/js']

Option that worked for me.对我有用的选项。 es6-promise-promise is designed to be included directly to the webpack builds. es6-promise-promise旨在直接包含在 webpack 构建中。 So:所以:

plugins: [
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    Promise: 'es6-promise-promise'

An updated and concise version of @asiniy's answer using the recently added property feature of ProvidePlugin , without the need to reference es6-promise-promise :使用最近添加@ asiniy的答案的更新和简洁版property的特点ProvidePlugin ,而不需要参考es6-promise-promise

    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
        Promise: ['es6-promise', 'Promise']

For this to work don't forget to add es6-promise as a dependency of the project you want to polyfill Promise in.为此,请不要忘记将es6-promise添加为要在其中es6-promise Promise的项目的依赖项。

babel polyfill usually works, but this time for a vuejs(webpack1) project, somehow not working. babel polyfill 通常有效,但这次对于 vuejs(webpack1) 项目,不知何故不起作用。

Fortunately, core-js works as a charm.幸运的是,core-js 很有魅力。

npm install core-js --save

module.exports = {
   entry: ['core-js/fn/promise', './app/js']

Better use Bluebird更好地使用蓝鸟

plugins: [
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    Promise: 'bluebird'

  new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/es6-promise$/, 'bluebird'),

You almost got it - try this in your webpack.config.js :你几乎明白了 - 在你的webpack.config.js试试这个:

plugins: [
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    Promise: 'imports?this=>global!exports?global.Promise!es6-promise'

Note that you will need to install imports-loader and exports-loader :请注意,您需要安装imports-loaderexports-loader

npm install --save imports-loader exports-loader

With Webpack 2 this is how I got it working.使用 Webpack 2 这就是我让它工作的方式。

First install with npm install babel-polyfill .首先使用npm install babel-polyfill Starting with NPM 5 --save can be omitted.从 NPM 5 开始--save可以省略。

Then modify the webpack configuration with:然后修改 webpack 配置:

entry: {
  app: ['babel-polyfill', './src/main.js']

Of course ./src/main.js is different for every app.当然./src/main.js对于每个应用程序都是不同的。

For those using CRA (create-react-app) you could use the polyfill they provide:对于那些使用 CRA (create-react-app) 的人,你可以使用他们提供的 polyfill:

react-app-polyfill react-app-polyfill

  • npm install react-app-polyfill or yarn add react-app-polyfill npm install react-app-polyfillyarn add react-app-polyfill
  • In your index.js file: import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';在你的index.js文件中: import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';

In webpack after optimization from babel-polyfill to core-js's promise the code:在 webpack 中从 babel-polyfill 优化到 core-js 的 promise 后的代码:

import 'core-js/library/es6/promise'; 

does not works.不起作用。

But after changing code to:但是在将代码更改为:

import 'core-js/features/promise';

it works.它有效。

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