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检测Twilio REST API调用何时终止

[英]Detecting when a Twilio REST API call is terminated

Using the Twilio REST API and Conference you can create a call between the caller and the rep that the rep can leave and re-enter by pressing * or 0. 使用Twilio REST APIConference您可以在呼叫者和代表之间创建呼叫,代表可以离开并按*或0重新输入。

When the rep presses * within a Conference the script on the reps end removes them from the Conference and takes them to a backend where they can find out what the customer needs, leaving the caller in an empty Conference until the rep re-joins by pressing 0. 当销售代表在Conference按*时,销售代表端的脚本会将其从Conference删除,并将其带到后端,在那里他们可以找到客户的需求,从而将呼叫者留在空的Conference直到销售代表通过按来重新加入0。

If the rep hangs up within the Conference , the callback " $_POST['CallStatus'] = completed " is made. 如果代表 Conference挂断,则进行回调“ $_POST['CallStatus'] = completed ”。 This lets the script know to end all open Conference s, thus redirecting any waiting callers to the main menu. 这使脚本知道结束所有打开的Conference ,从而将所有等待的呼叫者重定向到主菜单。

However if the rep hangs up while outside of the Conference (using the backend, while a caller remains waiting) the same callback is not made. 但是,如果代表在Conference之外(在使用后端,而呼叫者仍在等待时)挂断电话,则不会进行相同的回调。

What variables would indicate that the REST API call to the rep has hung up? 哪些变量表明对代表的REST API调用已挂起? I thought it was $_POST['CallStatus'] or $_POST['DialCallStatus'] but I've listened for both but have not been able to produce an on-disconnect callback for the rep's end. 我以为是$_POST['CallStatus']$_POST['DialCallStatus']但我都听了,但未能为代表端建立断线回调。

The following variables are sent to Calls.xml via the REST API : 通过REST API将以下变量发送到Calls.xml

From => $from

To => $to

Url => $script_url

StatusCallback => $callback_url

StatusCallbackEvent => array( "initiated", "ringing", "answered", "completed" )

$callback_url works and detects $_POST['CallStatus'] = in-progress but not completed . $callback_url有效并检测到$_POST['CallStatus'] = in-progress ,但未completed (unless the rep hangs up within the conference, then it works as intended) (除非代表在会议中挂断,然后按预期工作)


class Call
    var $url    = 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/XXXXXX/Calls.xml';
    var $from   = '+1XXXXXX';

    function dial( $number, $script, $callback = false )
        $switch = 'http://XXXXXX.com/' . $script . '.php';

        $post = array( 'From' => $this->from, 'To' => $number, 'Url' => $switch );

        if ( $callback )
            $post['StatusCallback'] = $callback;
            $post['StatusCallbackEvent'] = array( "initiated", "ringing", "answered", "completed" );

        $curl = curl_init();

        curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url );
        curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
        curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1 );
        curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0 );
        curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 );
        curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC );
        curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'XXXXXX:XXXXXX' );

        if ( $post )
            $data = array();

            foreach ( $post as $property => $value )
                array_push( $data, $property . '=' . $value );

            curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
            curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, implode( '&', $data ) );        

        $page = curl_exec( $curl );

        curl_close( $curl );

        return $page;


$call = new Call;
$call->dial( $number, $script, $callback );

Twilio developer evangelist here. Twilio开发人员布道者在这里。

You get that callback with the completed status when the rep hangs up during the call due to the nature of the action attribute on the <Dial> verb. 当呼叫由于<Dial>动词上的action属性的性质而在通话期间挂断时,您将获得具有completed状态的回调。 However, once you are outside of a <Dial> then you no longer have that. 但是,一旦您位于<Dial>之外,就不再需要它了。

There is a way to do this though! 有办法做到这一点! You need to set up to receive call progress events. 您需要进行设置以接收呼叫进度事件。 You can register to receive webhooks for various events that a call goes through, from queued through to completed. 您可以注册以接收呼叫经过的各种事件(从排队到完成)的webhook。 You can register for these using the StatusCallback and StatusCallbackEvent parameters when generating a call from the REST API. 从REST API生成调用时,可以使用StatusCallbackStatusCallbackEvent参数为它们注册。 You can then get a webhook when the call is over, even when you outside of a <Dial> . 通话结束后,即使您在<Dial>之外,也可以获取一个Webhook。

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