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angular2 bootstrap动态轮播

[英]angular2 bootstrap dynamic carousel

I have a dynamic images coming from a json and doing *ngFor to loop through the objs and putting it in a carousel using bootstrap carousel, but I want to put a readmore link within the *ngFor so each item will have a read more. 我有一个来自json的动态图像,并执行*ngFor循环遍历*ngFor ,并使用bootstrap轮播将其放入轮播中,但是我想在*ngFor内放置一个readmore链接,以便每个项目都具有更多的了解。

I can't figure out how to do when a user click "readmore" it will scroll to its relative item showing about the image if that makes sense. 当用户单击“ readmore”时,我不知道该怎么办,如果有意义的话,它将滚动到显示有关图像的相对项。

<div class="col-sm-4" *ngFor="let journey of Journey">
  <div class="journey_block">
    <div class="icon-workflow">
        <div class="view view-fourth">
        <img src="{{ journey.imageName }}" alt="">
        <div class="mask">
            <a href="" class="info" data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="0">Read More</a>
        <h4 class="journey_title">
        <a [href]="journey.journey_url" *ngIf="journey.journey_url != 'javascript:;' " class="float-shadow">

My attempt is I thought I would then need to do for loop, I have 5 items in total in the json data. 我的尝试是我认为然后需要执行for循环,我在json数据中总共有5个项目。

getImg() {
    .map((res:Response) => res.json())
    .subscribe(data => {
        if(data) {
            var jsonObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
            this.Journey = jsonObj.journey;

            for (var i = 0; i <  this.Journey.length; i++) {
                var element =  this.Journey[i];
                this.objCount = element;


View full html structure of the carousel 查看轮播的完整html结构

Carousel structure 轮播结构

You need to have the index inside of the loop for making the data-slide-to attribute unique. 您需要在循环内部具有索引,以使data-slide-to属性唯一。 This could be done by the predefined Angular2 value index . 这可以通过预定义的Angular2值index来完成。


<!-- Angular 2.0 -->
  <li *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index">
    {{i}} {{item}}

In your code: 在您的代码中:

<div class="col-sm-4" *ngFor="let journey of Journey; let i = index">
    <div class="journey_block">
      <div class="icon-workflow">
          <div class="view view-fourth">
          <img src="{{ journey.imageName }}" alt="">
          <div class="mask">
              <a href="" class="info" data-target="#carousel-example-generic" [attr.data-slide-to]="i">Read More</a>
          <h4 class="journey_title">
          <a [href]="journey.journey_url" *ngIf="journey.journey_url != 'javascript:;' " class="float-shadow">

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