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[英]Laravel: the time for job queue

With Laravel, I would like to make a job queue each 3 months ! 有了Laravel,我想每3个月做一次工作! So I would like to check. 所以我想查一下。

$schedule->command('emails:send')->monthly()->monthly()->monthly()->when(function () {
    return true;

Can I write like above? 我可以这样写吗?

Using monthly() three time won't work. 使用monthly()三次将无法正常工作。

You will have to use crontab syntax to make a job run 'every three month' 您将不得不使用crontab语法来“每三个月”运行一次作业

Something like: 就像是:

$schedule->command('emails:send')->cron('* * * */3');

Double check the crontab entry with online tools such as cronmaker . 使用cronmaker等在线工具仔细检查crontab条目。

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