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[英]Chrome driver exception on Jenkins

I have selenium 2.53.1.jar, platform-Windows, Java- 1.8, chrome = 52.0, chrome-driver.exe-2.23. 我有硒2.53.1.jar,平台Windows,Java 1.8,chrome = 52.0,chrome-driver.exe-2.23。

I am seeing the following message when trying to run Night watch test on Jenkins. 尝试在Jenkins上运行Night watch test时,我看到以下消息。

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: unable to discover open pages (Driver info: chromedriver=2.23.409699 (49b0fa931cda1caad0ae15b7d1b68004acd05129),platform=Windows NT 6.3.9600 x86_64) org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException:未知错误:无法发现打开的页面(驱动程序信息:chromedriver = 2.23.409699(49b0fa931cda1caad0ae15b7d1b68004acd05129),platform = Windows NT 6.3.9600 x86_64)

Please note that the test is running correctly from the command line- all paths given are same as in the Jenkins job. 请注意,该测试正在命令行中正确运行-给出的所有路径都与Jenkins作业中的相同。

I also tried a previous version 2.22 of Chrome driver. 我还尝试了Chrome驱动程序的早期版本2.22。 Still see the same error. 仍然看到相同的错误。 Test is running correctly on FF. 测试在FF上正确运行。

Even I'm getting the same error. 甚至我也遇到同样的错误。 Maybe you can try putting sand-box for chrome. 也许您可以尝试将镀铬的沙盒放进去。 Maybe that might help you out temporarily. 也许这可能会暂时帮助您。

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