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有没有一种方法可以通过引用将成员函数传递给方法? [JAVA]

[英]Is there a way to pass a member function into a method by reference? [JAVA]

I'm trying to implement a counter in my app that increases every time the button is clicked. 我正在尝试在我的应用程序中实现一个计数器,该计数器在每次单击按钮时都会增加。 I then want to take the whatever the final value of the counter is and have it displayed in a dialog. 然后,我想获取计数器的最终值是什么,并将其显示在对话框中。

The problem is that when I call the variable, it returns the value that it initially had, not the one modified by the onClick method (This is weird to explain but I commented in my code to show what I mean). 问题在于,当我调用该变量时,它返回的是它最初拥有的值,而不是通过onClick方法修改的值(这很奇怪,但我在代码中注释了一下以表明我的意思)。

    final TextView points = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.points);
    points.setText("Points = 0");

    class ButtonClick implements View.OnClickListener {
        int value = 0;
        public void onClick(View v) {
            points.setText("Points = " + value); // This value increases

        public int getValue() {
            return value;
        } // This returns 0.

    final ButtonClick buttonClicked = new ButtonClick();

    final int finalValue = buttonClicked.getValue(); // This still equals zero.

Code is executed synchronously line by line: 代码逐行同步执行:

      // define and instantiate button listener 
1)    final ButtonClick buttonClicked = new ButtonClick();
      // attach listener to button
2)    theButton.setOnClickListener(buttonClicked);

            <------ here you still didn't executed onClick :) 

      // trying get value 
3)    final int finalValue = buttonClicked.getValue(); // This still equals zero.

When you hit line 3, you are getting value 0 because value is zero. 当您到达第3行时,您将获得值0,因为值是零。

Try clicking (perform click -> do event or whatsoever ) then get value. 尝试单击(执行单击->做事件或执行任何操作),然后获取价值。

To see if it works, you need a second asynchronous method example: 要查看它是否有效,您需要另一个异步方法示例:

new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {

            while(buttonClicked.getValue() ==0) {
                   // you didn't click


There are couple of issues that I can see, 1) onClick is not the overridden method, so try @Override annotation like this: 我可以看到几个问题:1)onClick不是重写的方法,因此请尝试使用@Override注释,如下所示:

public void onClick(View v) { ... }

2) When a variable has to be used across, try to declare it in class level with getters and setters also at class level. 2)当必须跨变量使用时,请尝试在类级别使用getter和setter进行声明,该变量也在类级别使用。

Hope these tips will help. 希望这些技巧会有所帮助。

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