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[英]Kendo Grid Filtering on integer column

I have a grid with multiple columns. 我有一个多列网格。 say Id(integer) , Name(string) etc. Change event is working fine for name column.But for ID column it is not working(change event is not firing for numeric column in kendo). 例如说Id(integer)Name(string)等。更改事件在name列中正常工作。但是对于ID列,则不起作用(在kendo中,针对数字列不触发change事件)。

I have done in client side scripting. 我已经完成了客​​户端脚本编写。 But I want this functionality to be in server side(Razor). 但我希望此功能在服务器端(剃刀)中。

I am new to Kendo UI and any help on how to do this would be much appreciated. 我是Kendo UI的新手,因此非常感谢您提供有关此操作的帮助。

I am attaching my code below: 我在下面附上我的代码:


                            .Columns(columns =>
                                columns.Bound(c => c.Id).Title(" ID").Width(150);
                                columns.Bound(c => c.Name).Title(" Name").Width(150);

                            .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: auto; width: 2200px" })
                            .Filterable(i => i.Mode(GridFilterMode.Menu | GridFilterMode.Row))

                            .Sortable(s => s.AllowUnsort(false).SortMode(GridSortMode.MultipleColumn))
                            .Selectable(selecting => selecting.Enabled(true))                               
                            .Pageable(r => r.PreviousNext(true).PageSizes(new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 }))
                            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                            .Events(e => e.Change("call"))


function call(e) {


                var filterlength = e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters.length;
                var ds = $("#ViewDataGrid").data("kendoGrid");
                $filter = new Array();

                for (var i = 0; i < filterlength; i++) {
                    if (e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[i].field == "Id")
                        $filter.push({ field: e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].field, operator: "eq", value: parseInt(e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].value) });
                        $filter.push({ field: e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].field, operator: "contains", value: e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].value });

                $("#ViewDataGrid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource._filter = $filter;


Model.CS 型号

   public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

Controller 控制者

 public ActionResult Index()
        List<GridData> dataList = new List<GridData>(); 
    GridData data1 = new GridData();
        data1.Id = 9191919;
        data1.Name = "XYZ";           
        return View(dataList);           

After Editing: Change Event is not firing. 编辑后:更改事件未触发。 Could you please help me to resolve my issue. 您能帮我解决我的问题吗?

.ToolBar(toolBar =>
    <input type="search" id="searchBox" class="SearchRight SearchTopMargin" />
    <b class="FloatRight SearchTopMarginExtra">Search the grid: </b>

.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: auto; width: 2200px" }) .Filterable(i => i.Mode(GridFilterMode.Menu | GridFilterMode.Row)) .HtmlAttributes(new {style =“ height:auto; width:2200px”}).Filterable(i => i.Mode(GridFilterMode.Menu | GridFilterMode.Row))

                            .Sortable(s => s.AllowUnsort(false).SortMode(GridSortMode.MultipleColumn))
                            .Selectable(selecting => selecting.Enabled(true))
                            .Events(e => e.Change("call"))
                            .Pageable(r => r.PreviousNext(true).PageSizes(new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 }))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
    .Transport(transport => transport
        .Read(read => read.Action("Read", "Index"))
    .Schema(schema => schema
        .Model(model =>
            model.Field("Id", typeof(int));
            model.Field("Name", typeof(string));




Hi I might have a solution, please let me know if this works for you: 嗨,我可能有解决方案,请告诉我这是否适合您:


    .Columns(columns =>
        columns.Bound(c => c.Id).Title(" ID").Width(150);
        columns.Bound(c => c.Name).Title(" Name").Width(150);
    .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:550px;" })
    .Filterable(i => i.Mode(GridFilterMode.Menu | GridFilterMode.Row))
    .Sortable(s => s.AllowUnsort(false).SortMode(GridSortMode.MultipleColumn))
    .Selectable(selecting => selecting.Enabled(true))                               
    .Pageable(r => r.PreviousNext(true).PageSizes(new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 }))
    .Events(events => events.DataBound("call")) // try to bound the event
    .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
            .Read(read => read.Action("Read", "Index"))


    function call(e) {

        //console.log(e) //Log e and look through the object data.

        var filterlength = e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters.length;
        var ds = $("#ViewDataGrid").data("kendoGrid");
        $filter = new Array();

        for (var i = 0; i < filterlength; i++) {
            if (e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[i].field == "Id")
                $filter.push({ field: e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].field, operator: "eq", value: parseInt(e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].value) });
                $filter.push({ field: e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].field, operator: "contains", value: e.sender.filter.arguments[0].filters[0].value });

        $("#ViewDataGrid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource._filter = $filter;

If this doesn't work then there might be work some sort of work around. 如果这不起作用,则可能有某种解决方法。 Maybe trying with your initial implementation: Try to parse or use the ID column "c.Id" as string and handle it the same way as the Name field "c.Name", something like: 也许尝试使用您的初始实现:尝试解析或使用ID列“ c.Id”作为字符串,并以与“名称”字段“ c.Name”相同的方式处理它,例如:


This might not be the best work around but if you have already tried this I am sure there must be another way. 这可能不是最好的解决方法,但是如果您已经尝试过此方法,那么我相信必须有另一种方法。 You might find this API reference also useful: 您可能会发现此API参考也很有用:

Kendo.Mvc.UI.Fluent GridBuilder aspnet-mvc Kendo.Mvc.UI.Fluent GridBuilder aspnet-mvc

I will still look into this on my side try replicating the issue and if I do happen to find anything I will update my post/answer immediately. 我仍然会一边研究此问题,一边尝试复制问题,如果确实发现任何问题,我会立即更新我的帖子/答案。

Good luck. 祝好运。

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