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[英]batch file prompt using space in pipe

I am using firebase as my host. 我正在使用Firebase作为主机。 When I upload my webpage I need to call two cmd instructions: 当我上传网页时,我需要调用两个cmd指令:

  1. firebase init Firebase初始化
  2. firebase deploy 火力基地部署

When I run firebase init I must answer some questions to go on. 当我运行firebase init时,我必须回答一些问题才能继续。 To the first question I enter y for yes and the second I need to enter space to deselect one item and then enter to go on. 对于第一个问题,我输入y表示是,第二个问题我需要输入空格以取消选择一项,然后继续输入。

I am trying to use a batch file for this instructions. 我正在尝试将批处理文件用于此说明。

I found out that I can use a pipe with following content in a batch file, the file looks like this: 我发现可以在批处理文件中使用包含以下内容的管道,该文件如下所示:

echo y | firebase init

but this "echo y" is only the first instruction for firebase init. 但是此“ echo y”只是firebase init的第一条指令。 After that I need to deselect one item with "space" and than "enter". 之后,我需要取消选择“空格”而不是“输入”的一项。

How can I write: 我该怎么写:

(echo y
echo "space"
echo "enter") | firebase init

First the firebase.json file must be created with echo in the right directory. 首先,必须在正确的目录中创建带有echo的firebase.json文件。 This replaces the firebase init command. 这将替换firebase init命令。

Then run: firebase deploy -P project alias. 然后运行:firebase deploy -P项目别名。

In bash it looks like: 在bash中,它看起来像:

echo $'{ "database": { "rules": "database.rules.json" }, "hosting": { "public": "public", "rewrites": [ { "source": "**", "destination": "/index.html" } ] } }\\n' >firebase.json echo $'{“ database”:{“ rules”:“ database.rules.json”},“ hosting”:{“ public”:“ public”,“ rewrites”:[{“ source”:“ **”, “目标”:“ / index.html”}]}} \\ n'> firebase.json

firebase deploy -P Test_Google_Analytics firebase deploy -P Test_Google_Analytics

Try it with 尝试一下

 (echo( )
) | firebase init

This sends through the pipe 这通过管道发送


The parenthesis seems to be unbalanced, but it's correct this way as echo( ensures that the content will be printed as is. 括号似乎是不平衡的,但是这种方式是正确的,如echo(确保内容按原样打印。

Should this work for you? 这应该为您工作吗?

@echo off

:: start command
firebase init

:: wait command to load. IP must be unreachable for -w to work as expected
ping -n 1 -w 500 >NUL



:: spawn a cscript to echo desired keys to the same cmd window
:: sleep time may need to be changed
set "_vbs_file_=%TEMP%\keys.vbs"
  echo(set oWS ^= CreateObject^("wScript.Shell"^)
  echo(wScript.Sleep 100
  echo(oWS.SendKeys "y"
  echo(wScript.Sleep 100
  echo(oWS.SendKeys " "
  echo(wScript.Sleep 100
  echo(oWS.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
if exist "%TEMP%\keys.vbs" (set "_spawn_=%TEMP%\keys.vbs") else (set "_spawn_=keys.vbs")
ping -n 1 -w 50 >NUL
start /B /WAIT cmd /C "cls & "%_spawn_%" & del /F /Q "%_spawn_%" 2>NUL"
exit/B 0

Edit: as echo sends an explicit carriage return, the sendkeys may be (also ping delay is now 1500 miliseconds) 编辑:随着回显发送明确的回车,sendkeys可能是(也ping延迟现在是1500毫秒)

@echo off

:: start command
firebase init

:: wait command to load. IP must be unreachable for -w to work as expected
ping -n 1 -w 1500 >NUL



:: spawn a cscript to echo desired keys to the same cmd window
:: sleep time may need to be changed
set "_vbs_file_=%TEMP%\keys.vbs"
  echo(set oWS ^= CreateObject^("wScript.Shell"^)
  echo(wScript.Sleep 100
  echo(oWS.SendKeys "y"
  echo(wScript.Sleep 100
  echo(oWS.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
  echo(oWS.SendKeys " "
  echo(wScript.Sleep 100
  echo(oWS.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
  echo(wScript.Sleep 100
  echo(oWS.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
if exist "%TEMP%\keys.vbs" (set "_spawn_=%TEMP%\keys.vbs") else (set "_spawn_=keys.vbs")
ping -n 1 -w 50 >NUL
start /B /WAIT cmd /C "cls & "%_spawn_%" & del /F /Q "%_spawn_%" 2>NUL"
exit/B 0

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