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[英]Boost ASIO threadpool with a thread timeout

I'm using the Boost ASIO library as a threadpool, which is widely described. 我将Boost ASIO库用作线程池,对此进行了广泛描述。 However, I want to interrupt each thread, should the thread process for longer than 1 second and move onto the next posted task for the thread. 但是,我想中断每个线程,如果线程处理时间超过1秒,然后转到该线程的下一个发布任务。

I can easily implement this using a separate deadline_timer, which is reset if the thread finishes before the deadline or interrupts the thread should the task go on for too long. 我可以使用单独的expire_timer轻松实现此目标,如果线程在截止日期之前完成,或者如果任务执行时间过长而中断了线程,则会重置该计时器。 However I assumed this would be built into ASIO. 但是我认为这将内置在ASIO中。 As it seems natural to have a task, with a timeout for network operations. 似乎有一项任务很自然,并且网络操作超时。 But I can't see anything in the API for it, to do that succinctly. 但是我无法在API中看到任何内容,因此无法做到这一点。

Can anyone tell me if this functionality already exists? 谁能告诉我此功能是否已经存在? Or should I implement it the way I described? 还是应该按照我描述的方式实施它?

Here's a quick solution I knocked together. 这是我凑在一起的快速解决方案。

It requires that your submitted function objects accept an argument of type exec_context . 它要求您提交的函数对象接受exec_context类型的参数。

The task running in the io_service can query the .canceled() accessor (which is atomic) to determine whether it should cancel early. 在io_service中运行的任务可以查询.canceled()访问器(是原子的),以确定是否应及早取消。

It can then either throw an exception or return whatever value it intended to return. 然后,它可以引发异常,也可以返回打算返回的任何值。

The caller submits via the submit function. 调用者通过submit功能submit This function wraps the worker function with the context object and marshals its return value and/or exception into a std::future. 该函数用上下文对象包装辅助函数,并将其返回值和/或异常封送至std :: future中。

The caller can then query or wait on this future (or ignore it) as appropriate. 然后,调用者可以视情况查询或等待这个未来(或忽略它)。

The caller gets a handle object, which has the method cancel() on it. 调用者获取一个句柄对象,该对象上具有方法cancel() Using this handle, the caller can either cancel, query or wait on the submitted task. 使用此句柄,调用者可以取消,查询或等待提交的任务。

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。 It was fun to write. 写作很有趣。

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <future>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>

// an object to allow the caller to communicate a cancellation request to the
// submitted task
struct exec_controller
    /// @returns previous cancellation request state;
    bool notify_cancel()
        return _should_cancel.exchange(true);

    bool should_cancel() const {
        return _should_cancel;

    std::atomic<bool> _should_cancel = { false };

template<class Ret>
struct exec_state : std::enable_shared_from_this<exec_state<Ret>>
    using return_type = Ret;

    bool notify_cancel() {
        return _controller.notify_cancel();

    get_controller_ptr() {
        return std::shared_ptr<exec_controller>(this->shared_from_this(),

    std::promise<return_type>& promise() { return _promise; }

    std::promise<return_type> _promise;
    exec_controller _controller;

struct applyer;

struct exec_context
    exec_context(std::shared_ptr<exec_controller> impl)
    : _impl(impl)

    bool canceled() const {
        return _impl->should_cancel();

    friend applyer;
    std::shared_ptr<exec_controller> _impl;

struct applyer
    template<class F, class Ret>
    void operator()(F& f, std::shared_ptr<exec_state<Ret>> const& p) const
        try {
            p->promise().set_value(f(exec_context { p->get_controller_ptr() }));
        catch(...) {

    template<class F>
    void operator()(F& f, std::shared_ptr<exec_state<void>> const& p) const
        try {
            f(exec_context { p->get_controller_ptr() });
        catch(...) {

template<class Ret>
struct exec_result
    using return_type = Ret;
    exec_result(std::shared_ptr<exec_state<return_type>> p)
    : _impl(p)

    bool cancel() {
        return _impl->notify_cancel();

    std::future<Ret>& get_future()
        return _future;


    std::shared_ptr<exec_state<return_type>> _impl;
    std::future<return_type> _future { _impl->promise().get_future() };

template<class Executor, class F>
auto submit(Executor& exec, F&& f)
    using function_type = std::decay_t<F>;
    using result_type = std::result_of_t<function_type(exec_context)>;
    using state_type = exec_state<result_type>;
    auto shared_state = std::make_shared<state_type>();
    exec.post([shared_state, f = std::forward<F>(f)]
                  applyer()(f, shared_state);
    return exec_result<result_type>(std::move(shared_state));

int main()
    using namespace std::literals;

    boost::asio::io_service ios;
    boost::asio::io_service::strand strand(ios);
    boost::asio::io_service::work work(ios);

    std::thread runner([&] { ios.run(); });
    std::thread runner2([&] { ios.run(); });

    auto func = [](auto context)
        for(int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; ++i)
            if (context.canceled())
                throw std::runtime_error("canceled");

    auto handle = submit(strand, func);
    auto handle2 = submit(ios, [](auto context) { return 2 + 2; });
    // cancel the handle, or wait on it as you wish

    handle2.cancel();   // prove that late cancellation is a nop
    try {
        std::cout << "2 + 2 is " << handle2.get_future().get() << std::endl;
    catch(std::exception& e)
        std::cerr << "failed to add 2 + 2 : " << e.what() << std::endl;
    try {
        std::cout << "task completed" << std::endl;
    catch(std::exception const& e) {
        std::cout << "task threw exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;


update: v2 adds some privacy protection to the classes, demonstrates 2 simultaneous tasks. 更新:v2向类添加了一些隐私保护,演示了2个同时任务。

expected output: 预期输出:

2 + 2 is 4
task threw exception: canceled

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