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[英]Build standalone XUL program based on Firefox's `-app` switch

I've been working on a XULRunner based program for quite long. 我已经在基于XULRunner的程序上工作了很长时间。 Since XULRunner isn't actively supported anymore, I kept running my program via Firefox with its -app switch. 由于XULRunner不再受到支持,我通过Firefox使用-app开关继续运行我的程序。 Now I'd like to build a standalone program, with an installer to distribute, but I cannot find any relating information. 现在我想构建一个独立程序,安装程序可以分发,但我找不到任何相关信息。 Is that even possible? 这甚至可能吗?

What you want to do is really pretty much the original use case. 你想要做的几乎就是最初的用例。 I've only personally seen it done with NSIS, but also Inno is mentioned in the documentation. 我只是亲自看到它与NSIS一起完成,但文档中也提到了Inno。

Here are some helpful links... 这是一些有用的链接......

Deploying XULRunner Gives a high level overview. 部署XULRunner提供高级概述。

The short version is that you need to bring your own installer solution, but one example is detailed here: Windows Into setup installer 简短版本是您需要自带安装程序解决方案,但此处详细说明了一个示例: Windows进入安装程序安装程序

Or, using NSIS, this stub: Sample NSIS script for XULRunner 或者,使用NSIS,此存根: XULRunner的示例NSIS脚本

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