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[英]Trouble getting typings to work in Typescript

Edit: I rewrote the post to better explain the steps I've taken and the issues I'm facing 编辑:我重写了帖子,以更好地解释我所采取的步骤和面临的问题

I started out with a simple html/js page. 我从一个简单的html / js页面开始。 I'm also using xregexp from a cdn. 我还使用xregexp从CDN。

 var reg = XRegExp("^lights:(?<option>on|off)$", "xgi"); var match = XRegExp.exec("lights:on", reg); document.body.innerText = "Lights are: " + match["option"]; 
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head></head> <body></body> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/xregexp/3.1.1/xregexp-all.js"></script> <script src="app.js"></script> </html> 

Next, I want to convert the js file to typescript. 接下来,我想将js文件转换为打字稿。 So I: 所以我:

  • rename .js to .ts .js重命名为.ts
  • added declare var XRegExp:any; 添加了declare var XRegExp:any; to the top of the ts file ( described here ) ts文件的顶部( 此处描述
  • ran tsc --init to create tsconfig file 运行tsc --init创建tsconfig文件
  • ran tsc 运行tsc

So far, Typescript compiles fine, and page is still working. 到目前为止,Typescript可以正常编译,并且页面仍在工作。

Next, I want to replace the declare var XRegExp:any with an interface, one from a community-maintained declaration file. 接下来,我想用接口替换declare var XRegExp:any ,该接口来自社区维护的声明文件。

I install the typings for xregexp via typings install dt~xregexp -SG ( d.ts file link ) 我通过xregexp typings install dt~xregexp -SGd.ts文件链接typings install dt~xregexp -SG 类型

But I'm unable to access the interfaces declared in the .d.ts file, because the declaration uses declare module 'xregexp' and export = . 但是我无法访问.d.ts文件中声明的接口,因为该声明使用了declare module 'xregexp'export =

According to Typescript's documentation on Modules , export = is used with import = require() . 根据Typescript关于模块的文档, export =import = require() But that involves module loading, which is not what I want. 但这涉及模块加载,这不是我想要的。

I've tried Pelle's suggestion, but still have no idea how to declare an ambient variable using it. 我已经尝试了Pelle的建议,但是仍然不知道如何使用它来声明环境变量。

declare var XRegExp:xregexp.OuterXRegExp; // <-- TS error: Module 'xregexp' has no exported member 'OuterXRegExp'

I would like to know: 我想知道:

  1. The d.ts declaration uses declare module "xregexp" . d.ts声明使用declare module "xregexp" Can I refer to any of its inner interfaces/types without an import ? 我可以在不import情况下引用其任何内部接口/类型吗?
  2. is it possible for me to create an additional d.ts to declare the ambient variable? 我可以创建一个附加的d.ts来声明环境变量吗? (like what dt~react-global does) How do I do this, without modifying the downloaded d.ts ? (如d.ts dt~react-global一样)如何在不修改下载的d.ts情况下执行此d.ts
    • reason: I would rather not change the declaration file pulled via typings in case of future changes. 理由:我宁愿不改变通过拉申报文件typings在未来的变化情况。

At this point, I'm not doing Node development, nor do I want to set up a module loader and/or browserify/webpack. 在这一点上,我没有在进行Node开发,也不想设置模块加载器和/或browserify / webpack。

I simply want to convert an already-working js file to ts, and would like to make Typescript aware of an ambient variable XRegExp , which has an interface as specified in the downloaded d.ts . 我只想将一个已经正常工作的js文件转换为ts,并想让Typescript知道环境变量XRegExp ,该变量具有下载的d.ts指定的接口。 Is it possible for me to achieve this without too much ceremony? 我是否可以在没有太多仪式的情况下实现这一目标?

[Edit] [编辑]

So, I rewrote the declaration file, using jquery.d.ts as a guide. 因此,我使用jquery.d.ts作为指南重写了声明文件。

This appears to work when loading via script or import, but doesn't answer my original question. 通过脚本或导入加载时,此方法似乎可以工作,但无法回答我的原始问题。

 interface TokenOpts { scope ? : string; trigger ? : () => boolean; customFlags ? : string; } interface XRegExp { (pattern: string, flags ? : string): RegExp; (pattern: RegExp): RegExp; addToken(regex: RegExp, handler: (matchArr: RegExpExecArray, scope: string) => string, options ? : TokenOpts): void; build(pattern: string, subs: string[], flags ? : string): RegExp; cache(pattern: string, flags ? : string): RegExp; escape(str: string): string; exec(str: string, regex: RegExp, pos ? : number, sticky ? : boolean): RegExpExecArray; forEach(str: string, regex: RegExp, callback: (matchArr: RegExpExecArray, index: number, input: string, regexp: RegExp) => void): any; globalize(regex: RegExp): RegExp; install(options: string): void; install(options: Object): void; isInstalled(feature: string): boolean; isRegExp(value: any): boolean; match(str: string, regex: RegExp, scope: string): any; match(str: string, regex: RegExp, scope: "one"): string; match(str: string, regex: RegExp, scope: "all"): string[]; match(str: string, regex: RegExp): string[]; matchChain(str: string, chain: RegExp[]): string[]; matchChain(str: string, chain: { regex: RegExp; backref: string }[]): string[]; matchChain(str: string, chain: { regex: RegExp; backref: number }[]): string[]; matchRecursive(str: string, left: string, right: string, flags ? : string, options ? : Object): string[]; replace(str: string, search: string, replacement: string, scope ? : string): string; replace(str: string, search: string, replacement: Function, scope ? : string): string; replace(str: string, search: RegExp, replacement: string, scope ? : string): string; replace(str: string, search: RegExp, replacement: Function, scope ? : string): string; replaceEach(str: string, replacements: Array < RegExp | string > []): string; split(str: string, separator: string, limit ? : number): string[]; split(str: string, separator: RegExp, limit ? : number): string[]; test(str: string, regex: RegExp, pos ? : number, sticky ? : boolean): boolean; uninstall(options: Object): void; uninstall(options: string): void; union(patterns: string[], flags ? : string): RegExp; version: string; } declare module "xregexp" { export = XRegExp; } declare var XRegExp: XRegExp; 

This is not really a typescript problem: if you want to use npm packages, it is strongly recommended to use a dependency manager like browserify or webpack to them. 这实际上不是打字稿问题:如果要使用npm软件包,强烈建议对它们使用依赖管理器,例如browserify或webpack。 (I would recommend browserify, if you're only looking for something to handle your modules). (如果您只是在寻找处理模块的方法,我建议使用browserify)。

If you really don't want to use the amazing power of npm, there is also a hacky way of solving this specific problem: changing the declaration file to declare a namespace instead of a module . 如果您真的不想使用npm的强大功能,那么还有一种解决该特定问题的简便方法: 更改声明文件以声明名称空间而不是module Now you can effectively use the types anywhere in your project. 现在,您可以在项目中的任何地方有效地使用类型。

Just make these two changes to your declaration file, and you should be good to go: 只需对声明文件进行以下两项更改,就可以了:

  • declare a namespace instead of a module: 声明一个名称空间而不是一个模块:

     declare module 'xregexp' { //becomes declare namespace xregexp { 
  • get rid of the export on the bottom of the page: 摆脱页面底部的导出:

     // remove this: export = OuterXRegExp; 

Now you can call anywhere in your project. 现在,您可以在项目中的任何地方调用。 Eg: 例如:

var outerxregexp: xregexp.OuterXRegExp.TokenOpts = { trigger: () => true }

But again, it is strongly recommended to pull in browserify or so 🙂 但是同样,强烈建议拉近browserify🙂

Try adding the following line on top of the file where you are using XRegExp: 尝试在使用XRegExp的文件顶部添加以下行:

/// <reference path="./path/to/downloaded/xregexp.d.ts" />

More on the matter triple slash directives 有关此问题的更多信息三斜杠指令

if you have a tsconfig.json you'll need to add the d.ts file like this: 如果您有tsconfig.json ,则需要添加d.ts文件,如下所示:

    "files": [

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