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将 JSON 捆绑为带有 Webpack 的普通 JSON 文件

[英]Bundle JSON as a plain JSON file with Webpack

I have a web-app that requires a configuration JSON file which contains end-points and other required start-up parameters.我有一个 Web 应用程序,需要一个包含端点和其他所需启动参数的配置 JSON 文件。

If I use the json-loader, the file is not "real json", it'll look something like this:如果我使用 json-loader,文件不是“真正的 json”,它看起来像这样:

module.exports = {
    "name": "foo",
    "key": true,

What I would like is plain old JSON which means it can be parsed and changed as part of a deployment process before being sent to the web server where it will be served from.我想要的是普通的旧 JSON,这意味着它可以作为部署过程的一部分进行解析和更改,然后再发送到 web 服务器,从那里提供服务。

An alternative is to use the file-loader.另一种方法是使用文件加载器。 However, that means that (even though it's a trivial task) I have to write the code to download the file myself.然而,这意味着(尽管这是一项微不足道的任务)我必须自己编写代码来下载文件。 I would like to have webpack handle this and be available.我想让 webpack 处理这个问题并且有空。

Is there a way that I can require a JSON file, which is written as a plain-old JSON file and imported at run time?有没有一种方法可以require一个 JSON 文件,它被写成一个普通的 JSON 文件并在运行时导入?

Is there a way that I can require a JSON file, which is written as a plain-old JSON file and imported at run time? 有没有办法我可以require一个JSON文件,它被编写为一个普通的JSON文件并在运行时导入?

Webpack acts on compile-time. Webpack在编译时起作用。 That means when you require a file, it loads that file, performs modifications as specified by the loader-chain and exports you the final result from that chain. 这意味着当您需要一个文件时,它会加载该文件,执行loader-chain指定的修改,并从该链中导出最终结果。 So what you're asking for sounds like a loader, that acts like a file-loader, but exports an IIFE that returns a promise for the required file. 所以你要求的声音就像一个加载器,它就像一个文件加载器,但是导出一个IIFE,返回所需文件的承诺。

In theory it's possible to have a webpack loader, lets say an async-file-loader that gets the input from the file-loader will handle the async requst for you. 从理论上讲,有可能有一个webpack加载器,假设一个async-file-loader从文件加载器获取输入将为你处理异步请求。 Let's assume something like: 让我们假设:

const promisedFile = require('async-file-loader!file-loader!./myJson.json');
promisedFile.then(file => { console.log(JSON.parse(file)); });

But then the whole logic for handling the request would be boundled within that call. 但是,处理请求的整个逻辑将在该调用中受到限制。 The async-file-loader would look something like this: async-file-loader看起来像这样:

module.exports = function(source) {
    return `module.exports = eval("(function(url){
      /* define async request func, preform request and return promise in here */

Pretty nasty... 很讨厌......

When you want to load your json-file in runtime, I'll see 2 options: 当你想在运行时加载你的json文件时,我会看到2个选项:

  1. use the file-loader and request the json file asyncronously on your own. 使用文件加载器并自己异步请求json文件。
  2. use a server-sided scripting language and inject the config into the .html file. 使用服务器端脚本语言并将配置注入.html文件。 If your're using nodejs and express for example on your backend side, you could easily inject the config using Cheerio before serving the request. 如果your're使用和的NodeJS表达例如在后端侧,你可以轻松地将使用config Cheerio服务请求之前。

As ShabbY said above, Webpack is a module bundler and compiles your files ahead of time. 正如ShabbY上面所说,Webpack是一个模块捆绑器,可以提前编译文件。

It sounds like you need to add a configuration file (json) after build time to be accessed at runtime. 听起来您需要在构建时间之后添加配置文件(json)以便在运行时访问。 For this, a solution would be to load the file using a normal ajax call rather than attempting to bundle it with Webpack. 为此,解决方案是使用普通的ajax调用加载文件,而不是尝试将其与Webpack捆绑在一起。

I am looking to solve same problem and avoid building react app for each environment.我希望解决同样的问题并避免为每个环境构建 React 应用程序。

Since this answer is 4 years old, Just want to check if there is a better way to handle this with webpack 5 (latest version).由于此答案已有 4 年历史,因此只想检查是否有更好的方法使用 webpack 5(最新版本)来处理此问题。

instead of using file-loader and request the json file asynchronously on your own.而不是使用文件加载器并自己异步请求 json 文件。

how about webpack dynamic import with file-loader webpack 使用文件加载器 动态导入怎么样

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