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如何让“男人”在高山 Linux Docker 容器中工作?

[英]How to get 'man' working in an Alpine Linux Docker container?

I can't get man to work in an Alpine Linux Docker container.我无法让man在 Alpine Linux Docker 容器中工作。

Pull Alpine Linux and start a container.拉取 Alpine Linux 并启动一个容器。

docker pull alpine:latest
docker run -t -i alpine /bin/ash

Update repository indexes from all remote repositories.从所有远程存储库更新存储库索引。

apk update

Install man and man-pages .安装manman-pages

apk add man man-pages

Install a package and its documentation.安装 package 及其文档。

apk add curl
apk add curl-doc

Try to view the man pages.尝试查看手册页。

/ # man curl
/usr/share/man/mandoc.db: No such file or directory
man: outdated mandoc.db lacks curl(1) entry,
     consider running  # makewhatis /usr/share/man
more: -s: No such file or directory
/ # 



Following @EugenMayer's advice to add mdicml-apropos , I can get curl --manual to work but not man curl .按照@EugenMayer 的建议添加mdicml-apropos ,我可以获得curl --manual来工作,但不能man curl Unfortunately, gnupg --manual doesn't work at all.不幸的是, gnupg --manual根本不起作用。 This behaviour is inconsistent and unexpected.此行为是不一致且意外的。

You need to add 你需要添加

apk add mdocml-apropos

and then for each package you need the man packages for 然后对于每个包,你需要man包

apk add curl-doc

and you are set to go to use man after, like you already did 而且你会像以前一样去使用男人

apk add man man-pages mdocml-apropos

The source for this (plus added the mdocml-apropos which is missing there) is https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Linux:FAQ#Why_don.27t_I_have_man_pages_or_where_is_the_.27man.27_command.3F but interstingly, i cannot get it working myself. 这个的来源(加上那里缺少的mdocml-apropos)是https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Linux:FAQ#Why_don.27t_I_have_man_pages_or_where_is_the_.27man.27_command.3F但是很有趣,我无法让它工作我。

Also tried to export TERM=xterm to see if thats in iteractivity issue but it is not. 还尝试export TERM=xterm以查看iteractivity问题是否存在,但事实并非如此。

Also tried makewhatis /usr/share/man manually, but no sucess. 也尝试了makewhatis /usr/share/man手动,但没有成功。

Interestingly though: 有趣的是:

ls  -la /usr/share/man/man1/curl-config.1.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          1687 Aug  4 15:07 /usr/share/man/man1/curl-config.1.gz

So there is a manpage 所以有一个联机帮助页

For me, to get rid of this error: 对我来说,摆脱这个错误:

man man
more: -s: No such file or directory

I use: 我用:

export PAGER=less

then it works 然后它工作

This seems a pretty old question, however I'm going to post my answer anyway, maybe it could be useful for someone else in the future.这似乎是一个很老的问题,但是无论如何我都会发布我的答案,也许它将来对其他人有用。
I tried the solution for Alpine Linux v3.15 Docker container and it works.我尝试了Alpine Linux v3.15 Docker 容器的解决方案并且它有效。

Steps to reproduce:重现步骤:

  1. docker pull alpine:3.15

  2. docker run --rm --name alpine -it alpine:3.15 /bin/sh

  3. apk add curl

  4. apk add curl-doc

  5. typing man curl , you will obtain the following error:输入man curl ,您将收到以下错误:

     /bin/sh: man: not found
  6. In order to resolve the above error, type: apk add mandoc man-pages为了解决上述错误,输入: apk add mandoc man-pages

  7. You should be able to view and browse the curl 's manual page!您应该能够查看和浏览curl的手册页!

In case you still face an error, type the following command: export PAGER=less and then try to look curl 's manual page up again.如果您仍然遇到错误,请键入以下命令: export PAGER=less然后尝试再次查看curl的手册页。

Additional resources:Install man in an alpine linux docker container其他资源:在 alpine linux docker 容器中安装man

In fact, this has to do with the way you are connected to the container. 实际上,这与您连接到容器的方式有关。 I'm using alpine a lot with LXD, and generally can't read any man page when connected via lxc exec container ash . 我在LXD上使用alpine很多,当通过lxc exec container ash连接时通常无法读取任何手册页。 I suppose docker connect you to the container the same way. 我想docker会以同样的方式将你连接到容器。

$ lxc exec alp03 ash
~ # man man
more: -s: No such file or directory

So you can use su - , and then you will be able to use man: 所以你可以使用su - ,然后你就可以使用man:

~ # su -
alp03:~# man man
MAN(1P)                    POSIX Programmer's Manual

Note how the prompt is different after the su - command. 注意su - command后提示符的不同之处。

Also, if I run a ssh server inside the container and then connect to this container via ssh, then man is working perfectly. 此外,如果我在容器内运行一个ssh服务器,然后通过ssh连接到这个容器,那么man工作正常。

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