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[英]Defining conversion operator for specialized template class only

I want to define conversion to float for matrix<1, 1>. 我想为矩阵<1、1>定义为浮点型的转换。 I have trouble figuring out how to actually define it. 我很难弄清楚如何真正定义它。 If I make it a global function 如果我将其设为全局函数

template<typename T>
inline operator T(const matrix<T, 1, 1> &m){ return m(0, 0); }

I get "operator.. must be a non static member function" 我得到“运算符..必须是非静态成员函数”

I can of course define it as member for the generic matrix template but then it will be defined for all matrices - which is not what I want. 我当然可以将其定义为通用矩阵模板的成员,但随后将为所有矩阵定义它-这不是我想要的。 I want it to be defined only for the specific case of 1x1 matrix. 我希望仅针对1x1矩阵的特定情况进行定义。

You have to specialize a class for that, for example: 您必须为此专门设置一个类,例如:

template <typename Base, typename T, std::size_t W, std::size_t H>
struct MatrixConversion
{ /*Empty*/ };

template <typename Base, typename T> struct MatrixConversion<T, 1u, 1u>
    operator const T&() const { return static_cast<const Base&>(*this).m[0][0]; }

template <typename T, std::size_t W, std::size_t H>
struct Matrix : MatrixConversion<Matrix<T, W, H>, T, W, H>
    // Your code

composition plus specialisation would be the most maintainable approach. 组合加专业化将是最可维护的方法。

You did not specify the number of dimensions in your matrix template class, so I have assumed it can be variadic. 您没有在矩阵模板类中指定维数,因此我假设它可以是可变的。

#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>

// forward-declare class template for convenience.
template<class T, std::size_t...Dimensions>
struct matrix;

// classes to figure out the storage requirements of a multi-dimensional
// matrix
template<class T, std::size_t...Dimensions> struct storage;
template<class T, std::size_t N>
  struct storage<T, N>
    using type = T[N];

template<class T, std::size_t...Rest, std::size_t N>
  struct storage<T, N, Rest...>
    using less_dimension_type = typename storage<T, Rest...>::type;
    using type = less_dimension_type[N];

// functions for dereferencing multi-dimensional arrays
template<class Array, class Arg>
decltype(auto) deref(Array& array, Arg&& arg)
  return array[arg];

template<class Array, class Arg, class Arg2>
decltype(auto) deref(Array& array, Arg&& arg, Arg2&& arg2)
  return array[arg][arg2];

template<class Array, class Arg, class...Args>
decltype(auto) deref(Array& array, Arg&& arg, Args&&...args)
  return deref(deref(array, arg), std::forward<Args>(args)...);

// prototype for operations we want to conditionally apply
template<class Matrix>
struct matrix_conditional_ops
  // in the general case, none

// compose the matrix class from conditional_ops<>
template<class T, std::size_t...Dimensions>
struct matrix 
  : matrix_conditional_ops<matrix<T, Dimensions...>>

    decltype(auto) at(Dims&&...ds)
      return deref(_data, std::forward<Dims>(ds)...);

    decltype(auto) at(Dims&&...ds) const
      return deref(_data, std::forward<Dims>(ds)...);

   typename storage<T, Dimensions...>::type _data;

// define the condition operations for the <T, 1, 1> case
template<class T>
  struct matrix_conditional_ops<matrix<T, 1, 1>>
    using matrix_type = matrix<T, 1, 1>;

    operator T const() { return static_cast<matrix_type const&>(*this).at(0,0); }

int main()
  matrix<double, 1, 1> m11;

  m11.at(0,0) = 6.0;
  double d = m11;

  matrix<double, 2, 2> m22;
  // compile error:
//  double d2 = m22;

  // bonus points:

  matrix<double, 3, 5, 2, 7> mxx;
  mxx.at(2, 4, 1, 6) = 4.3;  // probably needs some compile-time checking...


someone may want to check my logic for the array packing/dereferencing... 有人可能想检查一下我的逻辑以进行数组打包/解引用...

Jarod and Richard already gave you the best answers in my opinion, they scale well to any number of operators with all kinds of restrictions. 我认为JarodRichard已经为您提供了最佳答案,它们可以很好地扩展到具有各种限制的任何数量的运营商。

However, if you cannot afford to redesign your class, or all you need is a quick and dirty opertor T() you can get away with the following 但是,如果您无力重新设计课程,或者您只需要一个快速而肮脏的opertor T() ,则opertor T()以下问题:

template<typename T, std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2>
struct Matrix
    T m[N1][N1];

    operator T()
        static_assert(N1 == 1 && N2 == 1, "Only applicable to scalars");
        return m[0][0];

Which is live here . 这是住这里

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