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如何在ASP.NET C#中获得确认框返回值

[英]How to get confirm box return value in ASP.NET C#

I know a number of people have asked similar questions already. 我知道已经有很多人问过类似的问题。 I've read tons of the answers given but none seems to solve my problem. 我已经读了很多给出的答案,但似乎都无法解决我的问题。 I have a form that allows the user to select a file and pick a date that the file should be imported from. 我有一个允许用户选择文件并选择文件导入日期的表格。 When the date is less (before) the last import period (which is a field in database keeping track of last import dates), I want to display a confirmbox to alert the user that continuing with the import could overwrite some data. 当日期少于最后导入时间(之前)(数据库中跟踪上次导入日期的字段)时,我想显示一个confirmbox以警告用户继续进行导入可能会覆盖一些数据。 The user can choose Yes to continue with import or No to cancel import. 用户可以选择是继续导入,或者选择否取消导入。 I have tried the 我尝试了

onClientClick 的OnClientClick

method of the 的方法

asp:Button ASP:按钮

control. 控制。 The problem with that was, it gets fired immediately the user clicks the submit button and I don't want to display the confirm box until I have checked with the last import period which will be done on the server-side C# . 问题在于,它会在用户单击“提交”按钮后立即被触发,并且直到我检查了最后一个导入期间(在服务器端C#上完成)之后,我才希望显示确认框。 I have tried writing the return value to a hidden field like this: 我试图将返回值写入这样的隐藏字段中:

if (confirm("This Import Process Will Overwrite Existing Data. Do You Want to Continue?")) {
            document.getElementById("ans").value = "Yes";
            return true;
        } else {
            document.getElementById("ans").value = "No";
            return false;

That did not work either. 那也不起作用。 I have tried the solution from here: Javascript confirm message problem 我从这里尝试过解决方案: Javascript确认消息问题

Somehow, I can't seem to get it to work with my solution because they have some updatePanel they are using. 不知何故,我似乎无法使其与我的解决方案一起使用,因为他们正在使用一些updatePanel I am using just the DatePicker , a DropDownList (for selecting which client to import data for) and a hidden field (if required). 我仅使用DatePickerDropDownList (用于选择要为其导入数据的客户端)和隐藏字段(如果需要)。 Please help if you can. 如果可以的话请帮忙。 I can be a tweak of any of the above or a completely new solution. 我可以对以上任何一种或全新的解决方案进行调整。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Try this , Its work fine for me : 试试这个,对我来说工作正常:

    var c = confirm('Your message');
    if (c == true) 
        document.getElementById('<%= HiddenField1.ClientID %>').value = 1;
        document.getElementById('<%= HiddenField1.ClientID %>').value = 0;

You can access the HiddenField in your code behind . 您可以在后面的代码中访问HiddenField。

Try this..You will get the value yes or no to hidden field 尝试此操作。您将获得隐藏字段的值“是”或“否”

<script type="text/javascript">
    function ShowConform() {
        var confirm_value = document.createElement("INPUT");
        confirm_value.type = "hidden";
        confirm_value.name = "confirm_value";
        if (confirm("Do you want to save data?")) {
            confirm_value.value = "Yes";
        } else {
            confirm_value.value = "No";

        var cn = document.forms[0].appendChild(confirm_value).value;
         var c=document.getElementById('<%= hiddenfeid.ClientID %>').value
         c = cn;
        // alert(c);



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