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权限被拒绝@ dir_s_mkdir错误

[英]Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir Error

I've been searching around for a while now but can't seem to find the answer. 我已经搜索了一段时间,但似乎找不到答案。

I'm using paperclip and postgresql database to upload and store files. 我正在使用回形针和Postgresql数据库上传和存储文件。

The error I am getting is : 我得到的错误是:

Errno::EACCES in DocumentsController#create

Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /documents

And the error code is specifically referring to this section in the documents controller: 错误代码专门引用了文档控制器中的此部分:

def create
    @document = current_user.documents.build(documents_params)

    if @document.save
        redirect_to @document
        render 'new'

I recently switched my database from sqlite to postgresql and it is working perfectly fine online (I have uploaded it with heroku), just not in development. 最近,我将数据库从sqlite切换到了postgresql,并且它可以在网上正常运行(我已经用heroku上传了它),但是还没有开发。

Also, I am able to edit and update documents that have been uploaded already in development, just not able to upload any. 另外,我能够编辑和更新已经在开发中的文档,只是无法上传任何文档。

Are there any config files or something that I need to modify to grand permission for @ dir_s_mkdir ? 是否有任何配置文件或需要修改的内容才能获得@ dir_s_mkdir大权限?

Finally I managed to fix this problem. 最后,我设法解决了这个问题。

  • Because I had modified my database to use PostgreSQL with Heroku I needed to also modify my Document model, to accomodate for both production and development environments. 因为我修改了数据库以在Heroku中使用PostgreSQL ,所以我还需要修改Document模型,以适应生产和开发环境。

  • I also had to change the :url that the document object was assigning to in development . 我还必须更改文档对象在development中分配给的:url The updated :url became: 更新后的:url变为:

     :url => "/system/documents/pdfs/:id/:basename.:extension" 

Below is the updated document.rb model (for the paperclip section): 以下是更新的document.rb模型(用于paperclip部分):

if Rails.env.development?
    has_attached_file :pdf, :use_timestamp => false,
                      :url => "/system/documents/pdfs/:id/:basename.:extension",
                      :path => ":rails_root/public/system/documents/pdfs/:id/:basename.:extension"
    validates_attachment_content_type :pdf, :content_type => ["application/pdf","application/vnd.ms-excel",     

    has_attached_file :pdf, :use_timestamp => false
    validates_attachment_content_type :pdf, :content_type => ["application/pdf","application/vnd.ms-excel",     

Many answers I referred to were saying to use either: 我提到的许多答案都说要使用以下任一方法:

sudo chown -R username app_path
/* or */
chmod -R 777 PATH_TO_APP/uploads 
/* or */
chmod -R 777 PATH_TO_APP/tmp

Although changing ownership of a file/folder is not a good option, as it sets every file as executable, readable, and writeable by anyone. 尽管更改文件/文件夹的所有权不是一个好选择,因为它将每个文件设置为任何人都可执行,可读和可写。

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