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在某些单元格中添加超链接 openpyxl

[英]adding hyperlinks in some cells openpyxl

I have to generate an excel with summary results.我必须生成一个带有汇总结果的excel。 The results are included in a list.结果包含在列表中。 Some of the elements are values and some links.一些元素是值和一些链接。

I managed to generate the excel with the right format but not generate the hyperlink in some of the cells我设法以正确的格式生成了excel,但没有在某些单元格中生成超链接

My try: from openpyxl import Workbook我的尝试:从 openpyxl 导入工作簿

from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Protection, Font, Fill
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter

def summaryMCP(self,result):

            c2=Column('R2 check',[result[1]])
            c3=Column('Dir Diff.',[result[2]])

            c4=Column('CHI2 Sm-Sc',[result[3]])#Lets say this one is a hyperlink to one image png
            c5=Column('Rose Sm-Sc',[result[4]])

            s=Sheet("MCP main results", [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5]

def excelMCP(self, sheets,foname):
            wb = Workbook()
            ws = wb.active
            #from here format options (a bit long)

My question is can I define that the value is a hyperlink when defining the Column in def summaryMCP and then in excelMCP the format of the link??我的问题是,在 def summaryMCP 中定义列时,我可以定义该值是超链接,然后在 excelMCP 中定义链接的格式吗?? And in case, how ?万一,怎么办? I could not find it so far到目前为止我找不到它

If wanting to use Excel's built in hyperlink function directly, you can use the following to format as a link:如果想直接使用Excel内置的超链接功能,可以使用如下格式作为链接:

'=HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")'.format(link, "Link Name")

eg ws.cell(row=1, column=1).value = '=HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")'.format(link, "Link Name")例如ws.cell(row=1, column=1).value = '=HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")'.format(link, "Link Name")

This works for me:这对我有用:

wbook.active['A8'].hyperlink = "http://www.espn.com"
wbook.active['A8'].value = 'ESPN'
wbook.active['A8'].style = "Hyperlink"

Try this :试试这个:

sheet['A1'].hyperlink = "http://stackoverflow.com"

In my try this does not add the formatting that Excel puts with a hyperlink but the cell contents are more like the Excel hyperlink cell than I get with the HYPERLINK tag.在我的尝试中,这不会添加 Excel 使用超链接放置的格式,但单元格内容更像是 Excel 超链接单元格,而不是我使用 HYPERLINK 标记获得的内容。

This worked for me.这对我有用。

sheet.column_dimensions["A"].width = 30
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).hyperlink = "http://www.espn.com"

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