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SQL Server日期之间的差异

[英]SQL Server difference between dates


I need to make a query that will compare the dates with the same 'ID_2' 我需要创建一个查询,将日期与相同的'ID_2'进行比较

If the difference between dates in column "ProdDateTime" is more than 7 and difference between dates in column "Sold" is more than 1 than it should show this rows. 如果“ProdDateTime”列中日期之间的差异大于7且“Sold”列中日期之间的差异大于1,则应显示此行。
here's an example: the difference between row #12 and #13 row with ID_2=444 is more than 7 in column ProdDateTime and is more than 1 in column Sold, that's why it should show this row as an error and all the following (14,15) because they have the same error. 这里有一个例子:第12行和第13行与ID_2 = 444之间的差异在列ProdDateTime中大于7,在列Sold中大于1,这就是为什么它应该将此行显示为错误以及以下所有内容(14 ,15)因为他们有同样的错误。

PS I used row_number and dense_rank to make ID_1 and ID_2 columns accordingly. PS我使用row_numberdense_rank地生成ID_1ID_2列。

Do you have any tips on how to do so? 你有关于如何这样做的任何提示吗? Thank you all in advance! 谢谢大家!

I assumed that date in "ProdDateTime" column is always in increasing order. 我假设“ProdDateTime”列中的日期总是递增。 So, here we need to compare dates from previous row value and next row value of ProdDateTime column. 因此,这里我们需要比较ProdDateTime列的上一行值和下一行值的日期。 I have used LAG and LEAD analytical functions to solve this problem. 我使用LAG和LEAD分析函数来解决这个问题。 It's just a hint for you, I have implemented for only single condition below, Maybe it works for you:- 这只是对你的一个提示,我已经实现了下面的单一条件,也许它适合你: -

    ;WITH ResultData 
        SELECT *
            ,LEAD(ProdDateTime)  OVER (PARTITION BY ID_2 ORDER BY ID_2 ) AS Lead
            ,LAG(ProdDateTime)  OVER (PARTITION BY ID_2 ORDER BY ID_2 ) AS Lag
            ,DATEDIFF(DAY, ProdDateTime, LEAD(ProdDateTime)  OVER (PARTITION BY ID_2 ORDER BY ID_2 )) AS LeadDiff
            ,DATEDIFF(DAY, LAG(ProdDateTime)  OVER (PARTITION BY ID_2 ORDER BY ID_2 ), ProdDateTime) AS LagDiff
        FROM tb

    SELECT * 
    FROM ResultData
    WHERE LeadDiff > 1 OR LagDiff > 1

If you are unaware from above functions, Please do search for same. 如果您不了解上述功能,请搜索相同的功能。 Best of luck! 祝你好运!

You can select next and previous rows as the below. 您可以选择next行和previous一行,如下所示。

    * -- Your DATEDIFF operations
    Tbl CurrentRow LEFT JOIN 
    Tbl PreviousRow ON CurrentRow.ID_1 = (PreviousRow.ID_1 + 1) 
                       CurrentRow.ID_2 = PreviousRow.ID_2 
                   LEFT JOIN
    Tbl NextRow     ON CurrentRow.ID_1 = (NextRow.ID_1 - 1) 
                       CurrentRow.ID_2 = NextRow.ID_2

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