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使用FFMPEG解码mp4 / mkv失败

[英]Decoding mp4/mkv using FFMPEG fails

I'm using a project based on the latest FFmpeg git source tree, and linking to the shared DLL's published by Zeranoe at https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ 我正在使用基于最新FFmpeg git源代码树的项目,并链接到Zeranoe发布的共享DLL,网址为https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/

The playback code works and loops. 播放代码工作和循环。 It plays back h265 files (raw), mpeg, avi, and mpg files. 它播放h265文件(原始),mpeg,avi和mpg文件。 However as soon as an mp4 or mkv container is specified as input file, regardless of what's inside,a lot of errors are dumped from the codec. 但是,只要将mp4或mkv容器指定为输入文件,无论内部是什么,都会从编解码器中转储出许多错误。 It doesn't matter if it's HEVC or h264. 无论是HEVC还是h264都没关系。

[h264 @ 00000000xyz] No start code is found
[h264 @ 00000000xyz] Error splitting the input into NAL units.

To make everything really strange, ffplay.exe plays these files just fine. 为了让一切都变得奇怪,ffplay.exe播放这些文件就好了。

I realize that I can probably fix this by converting files into a raw format first, but I would like to be able to read and parse mp4 files a they are. 我意识到我可以通过首先将文件转换为原始格式来解决这个问题,但我希望能够读取并解析它们的mp4文件。 Since I am using the pre-build libs of Zeraneo, my guess would be that something was not enabled during the build, but then I would expect ffplay to fail too. 由于我正在使用Zeraneo的预构建库,我的猜测是在构建期间没有启用某些东西,但是我希望ffplay也会失败。 Do I need to set a flag in the format_context or codec_context, or provide some sort of filter identifier? 我是否需要在format_context或codec_context中设置标志,或者提供某种过滤器标识符?

Movies that play fine came from http://bbb3d.renderfarming.net/download.html , http://www.w6rz.net/ and http://www.sample-videos.com/ 该播放电影由细来到http://bbb3d.renderfarming.net/download.htmlhttp://www.w6rz.net/http://www.sample-videos.com/

These work: 这些工作:


Being a total noob at ffmpeg, please help me understand what is wrong and how to fix it. 作为ffmpeg的总菜鸟,请帮助我了解错误以及如何解决问题。 If the pre-build libs are the culprit, then the second question is if someone has a convenient cmake setup to build this for windows X64 and x32 debug and release targets. 如果预构建库是罪魁祸首,那么第二个问题是,是否有人有一个方便的cmake设置来为Windows X64和x32调试和发布目标构建它。

Here's the source for initializing ffmpeg for reading 这是初始化ffmpeg以供阅读的来源


The format is parsed as follows: 格式解析如下:

m_FormatContext = avformat_alloc_context();
if (avformat_open_input(&m_FormatContext, file.GetPath().ToString().c_str(), NULL, NULL) != 0) 
    //std::cout << "failed to open input" << std::endl;
    success = false;
// find stream info
if (success)
    if (avformat_find_stream_info(m_FormatContext, NULL) < 0) 
        //std::cout << "failed to get stream info" << std::endl;
        success = false;

The stream is opened as follows: 流打开如下:

m_VideoStream = avstream;
m_FormatContext = formatContext;
if (m_VideoStream)
    m_StreamIndex = m_VideoStream->stream_identifier;
    AVCodecParameters *codecpar = m_VideoStream->codecpar;      
    if (codecpar)
        AVCodecID codec_id = codecpar->codec_id;
        m_Decoder = avcodec_find_decoder(codec_id);
        if (m_Decoder)
            m_CodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(m_Decoder);
            if (m_CodecContext)
                m_CodecContext->width = codecpar->width;                    
                m_CodecContext->height = codecpar->height;
                m_VideoSize = i3(codecpar->width, codecpar->height,1);
                success = 0 == avcodec_open2(m_CodecContext, m_Decoder, NULL);
                if (success)
                        int size = av_image_get_buffer_size(format, m_CodecContext->width, m_CodecContext->height, 1);      
                        if (size > 0)
                            av_frame = av_frame_alloc();
                            gl_frame = av_frame_alloc();        
                            uint8_t *internal_buffer = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(size * sizeof(uint8_t));
                            av_image_fill_arrays((uint8_t**)((AVPicture *)gl_frame->data), (int*) ((AVPicture *)gl_frame->linesize), internal_buffer, format, m_CodecContext->width, m_CodecContext->height,1);
                            m_Packet = (AVPacket *)av_malloc(sizeof(AVPacket));
                if (!success) 
                    m_CodecContext = NULL;
                    m_Decoder = NULL;
                    m_VideoStream = NULL;
                m_Decoder = NULL;
                m_VideoStream = NULL;

And decoding on a single thread: 并在单个线程上解码:

    if (av_read_frame(m_FormatContext, m_Packet) < 0) 
        m_AllPacketsSent = true;
        if (m_Packet->stream_index == m_StreamIndex) 
            avcodec_send_packet(m_CodecContext, m_Packet);

    int frame_finished = avcodec_receive_frame(m_CodecContext, av_frame);
    if (frame_finished == 0) 
        if (!conv_ctx) 
            conv_ctx = sws_getContext(m_CodecContext->width, 
                m_CodecContext->height, m_CodecContext->pix_fmt, 
                m_CodecContext->width, m_CodecContext->height, format, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        sws_scale(conv_ctx, av_frame->data, av_frame->linesize, 0, m_CodecContext->height, gl_frame->data, gl_frame->linesize);

            case AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32_1:
            case AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32_1:
            case AV_PIX_FMT_0BGR32:
            case AV_PIX_FMT_0RGB32:
            case AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32:  
            case AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32:              
                m_CodecContext->bits_per_raw_sample = 32; break;                    
                FWASSERT(format == AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32, "The format changed, update the bits per raw sample!"); break;

        size_t bufferSize = m_CodecContext->width * m_CodecContext->height * m_CodecContext->bits_per_raw_sample / 8;
        m_Buffer.Realloc(bufferSize, false,  gl_frame->data[0]);
        m_VideoSize = i3(m_CodecContext->width, m_CodecContext->height,1);
        result = true;
        // sends the image buffer straight to the locked texture here..
        // glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, codec_ctx->width, codec_ctx->height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl_frame->data[0]);

} while (m_Packet->stream_index != m_StreamIndex);

m_FrameDecoded = result;

Any insight is appreciated! 任何见解都表示赞赏!

Instead of implicitly provide width and height here: 而不是在这里隐式提供宽度和高度:

m_CodecContext->width = codecpar->width;                    
m_CodecContext->height = codecpar->height;

you should call avcodec_parameters_to_context() . 你应该调用avcodec_parameters_to_context()

To add a bit more explanation to whoever will bump into it: mkv containers are storing SPS/PPS data aside from frame so the default decoder context construction will always cause NAL search error. 要为碰到它的人添加更多解释:mkv容器存储除帧之外的SPS / PPS数据,因此默认的解码器上下文构造将始终导致NAL搜索错误。

Read H264 SPS & PPS NAL bytes using libavformat APIs 使用libavformat API读取H264 SPS和PPS NAL字节

If you are really has no luck getting AVCodecParameters due to some code/architecture issues - you have to fill AVCodecContext->extradata manually, specifying SPS/PPS fields required for h264 stream parser. 如果由于某些代码/体系结构问题而无法获得AVCodecParameters - 您必须手动填充AVCodecContext-> extradata,指定h264流解析器所需的SPS / PPS字段。

How to fill 'extradata' field of AVCodecContext with SPS and PPS data? 如何用SPS和PPS数据填充AVCodecContext的'extradata'字段?

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