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[英]Replacing Part of String at Position in Powershell

Right now i'm trying to convert my C# Code to an PowerShell Script. 现在,我正在尝试将C#代码转换为PowerShell脚本。

My actual function in C# looks like this: 我在C#实际功能如下所示:

private static string ReplaceStringPartAt(string mainstring, int position, string replacement)
    StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(mainstring);
    strBuilder.Remove(position, replacement.Length);
    strBuilder.Insert(position, replacement);
    return strBuilder.ToString();

And my PowerShell function like this: 我的PowerShell函数如下所示:

function ReplaceStringPartAt($mainstring, $position, $replacement)
    $strBuilder =  New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder;
    $strBuilder.Remove($position, $replacement.Length);
    $strBuilder.Insert($position, $replacement);
    return $strBuilder.ToString();

But i alway get an [System.Text.StringBuilder] as return value. 但是我总是得到一个[System.Text.StringBuilder]作为返回值。

What do i miss to make the function work again? 我想让该功能再次起作用是什么?

Many of the methods of the StringBuilder class return the same StringBuilder instance so you can chain multiple calls together. StringBuilder类的许多方法都返回相同的StringBuilder实例,因此您可以将多个调用链接在一起。 This is harmless in C#, but in PowerShell you need to explicitly capture these return values so they don't appear in your function output. 在C#中这是无害的,但是在PowerShell中,您需要显式捕获这些返回值,以便它们不会出现在函数输出中。 You can either pipe them to Out-Null ... 您可以将它们通过管道传输到Out-Null ...

$strBuilder.AppendLine($mainstring) | Out-Null
$strBuilder.Remove($position, $replacement.Length) | Out-Null;
$strBuilder.Insert($position, $replacement) | Out-Null;

...or cast them to [Void] ... ...或将其投放到[Void] ...

[Void] $strBuilder.AppendLine($mainstring)
[Void] $strBuilder.Remove($position, $replacement.Length);
[Void] $strBuilder.Insert($position, $replacement);

...or chain all of the calls (including .ToString() ) together... ...或将所有调用(包括.ToString() )链接在一起...

return $strBuilder.AppendLine($mainstring) `
    .Remove($position, $replacement.Length) `
    .Insert($position, $replacement) `

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