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[英]How to store large numbers?

I have to make a RSA signature (on a state machine) in C on a 32bit board. 我必须在32位电路板上用C进行RSA签名(在状态机上)。 I am limited on memory so I can not store decimals in a vector or something like that. 我的内存有限,所以我不能将小数存储在矢量或类似的东西中。

The best thing would be if I could store bits and to have easy access to them; 最好的办法是,如果我可以存储位并轻松访问它们; what storage method would be best? 什么存储方法最好?

I made this one: 我做了这个:

#if (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_32)

typedef uint32_t word;
#define word_length 32
typedef struct BigNumber {
    word words[64];
} BigNumber;

#elif (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_16)

typedef uint16_t word;
#define word_length 16
typedef struct BigNumber {
    word words[128];
} BigNumber;

#error Unsupported CPU_TYPE  

This seems hard to use. 这似乎很难使用。 How can I simplify it? 我该如何简化它?

You may simply use the BigNumber API from OpenSSL. 您可以简单地使用OpenSSL中的BigNumber API。 You can find the full API here . 您可以在此处找到完整的API。

And, you can use this code sample as a start: 并且,您可以使用此代码示例作为开头:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  static const char num1[] = "18446744073709551616";
  static const char num2[] = "36893488147419103232";

  BIGNUM *bn1 = NULL;
  BIGNUM *bn2 = NULL;
  BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();

  BN_dec2bn(&bn1, num1); // convert the string to BIGNUM
  BN_dec2bn(&bn2, num2);

  BN_add(bn1, bn1, bn2); // bn1 = bn1 + bn2

  char *result_str = BN_bn2dec(bn1);  // convert the BIGNUM back to string
  printf("%s + %s = %s\n", num1, num2, result_str);


  return 0;

Compile it with: 编译它:

#> gcc -Wall -Wextra -g -o sample sample.c -lcrypto

You should get something like this when executing it: 执行时你应该得到这样的东西:

18446744073709551616 + 36893488147419103232 = 55340232221128654848

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