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Pushsharp 4-在生产和沙箱之间切换

[英]Pushsharp 4 - switch between production and Sandbox

I need to switch between production and sandbox when using PushSharp. 使用PushSharp时,我需要在生产和沙箱之间切换。

Below is the line of code that causes me the issue :- 下面是导致我这个问题的代码行:

var config = new ApnsConfiguration(ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Sandbox, @"[CERTPATH]","[PASSWORD]");

The certificate path and passwords are stored in the web.config which means i can easily change these setting when deploying to production. 证书路径和密码存储在web.config中,这意味着在部署到生产环境时,我可以轻松更改这些设置。

Its changing the ApnsServerEnviroment i also need to be able to configure :- 它改变ApnsServerEnviroment我也需要能够配置:-

ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Sandbox ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Sandbox

In the future i want to implement PushSharp notifications as a service. 将来我想将PushSharp通知实现为服务。 But for now, its simple a class inside an application. 但就目前而言,它只是应用程序内部的一个简单类。


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