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iOS Swift如何在NSURL中使用包含%2的字符串?

[英]iOS Swift how to use a string containing %2 in a NSURL?

I am very new to to using web services and coding in general. 我对使用Web服务和一般编码非常陌生。 So please let me know if i am not making any sense. 因此,如果我没有任何道理,请告诉我。

I am using two methods to construct an url to use to call the flickr API. 我正在使用两种方法来构造用于调用flickr API的URL。 Everything works well, the only thing i can't make work is using the "%2Curl_m" parameter in my url. 一切正常,我唯一无法做的就是在URL中使用“%2Curl_m”参数。 When the url gets constructed "%2Curl_m" becomes "%252Curl_m". 构造URL后,“%2Curl_m”将变为“%252Curl_m”。

I've tried google and searching here but i didn't find an answer. 我已经尝试过Google并在这里搜索,但没有找到答案。 The only thing that came close is that it might have to do with string encoding. 唯一接近的是它可能与字符串编码有关。 I've looked in the documentation but i really couldn't make much sense out of it. 我已经看过文档,但是我真的没有多大意义。

I am using this two methods to construct the url: 我正在使用这两种方法来构造url:

private class func flickrURL(method method: Method, page:Int,
    parameters: [String:String]?) -> NSURL {
        let components = NSURLComponents(string: baseURLString)!
        var queryItems = [NSURLQueryItem]()

        let baseParams = [
            "method": method.rawValue,
            "format": "json",
            "nojsoncallback": "1",
            "api_key": APIKey,
            "text": "car",
            "per_page": "50",
            "page": String(page)

        for (key, value) in baseParams {
            let item = NSURLQueryItem(name: key, value: value)

        if let additionalParams = parameters {
            for (key, value) in additionalParams {
                let item = NSURLQueryItem(name: key, value: value)

        components.queryItems = queryItems

        return components.URL!

private static var nextPage = 0
class func recentPhotosURL() -> NSURL {
    nextPage += 1
    let curl = "%2Curl_m"
    return flickrURL(method: .RecentPhotos, page: nextPage,
        parameters: ["extras": "\(curl),url_h,date_taken"])

The url I get is: 我得到的网址是:


The url I need is: 我需要的网址是:


These 3 lines: 这3行:

let curl = "%2Curl_m"
return flickrURL(method: .RecentPhotos, page: nextPage, parameters: ["extras": "\(curl),url_h,date_taken"])

A quick look at the Flickr API tells me that it's not a valid value in the extras parameter, that would be url_m . 快速浏览Flickr API会告诉我,这不是extras参数中的有效值,它是url_m

%2C is the percent-encoded form for comma ( , ). %2C是逗号( , )的百分比编码形式。 NSURLQueryItem thinks you mean the string %2C so it encodes the % sign to become %25 . NSURLQueryItem认为您的意思是字符串%2C因此它将%符号编码为%25 That's how you get %252Curl_m . 这就是您获取%252Curl_m

I don't know where you picked up the %2C . 我不知道您在哪里拿了%2C Did use a web utility and included the comma by mistake? 是否使用了网络工具并错误地包含了逗号?

When your URL is translated into a String, some characters are escaped like % translates to %25 and so… 将您的URL转换为字符串时,某些字符会被转义,例如%转换为%25 ,因此…
You can get the non-escaped string with stringByRemovingPercentEncoding . 您可以使用stringByRemovingPercentEncoding获得未转义的字符串。

print("%252".stringByRemovingPercentEncoding!) // prints "%2"

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