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从 R 中的数据框列中删除重音

[英]Remove accents from a dataframe column in R

I got a data.table base.我得到了一个 data.table 基础。 I got a term column in this data.table我在这个 data.table 中有一个术语列

[1] character
[1] 27486

I'm able to remove accents from a string.我能够从字符串中删除重音符号。 I'm able to remove accents from a vector of string.我能够从字符串向量中删除重音符号。

[1] "Millesime"
[1] "Millesime" "boulangere"

But for some reason, it does not work when I apply the very same function on my term column但是由于某种原因,当我在我的术语列上应用完全相同的功能时它不起作用

[1] "Millésime"
[1] "MillACsime"

Does anybody know what is going on here?有人知道这里发生了什么吗?

Ok the way to solve the problem :好的解决问题的方法:

[1] "UTF-8"
[1] "Millesime"

Thanks to @nicola感谢@nicola

It might be easier to use the package.使用包可能更容易。 This way, you don't need to check the encoding beforehand.这样,您无需事先检查编码。 Furthermore is consistent across operating systems and inconv is not.此外, 在操作系统是一致的,而inconv则不是。


base <- data.table(terme = c("Millésime", 

base[, terme := stri_trans_general(str = terme, 
                                   id = "Latin-ASCII")]

> base
1:     Millesime
2:    boulangere
3: ueaaaaceeeiii

You can apply this function您可以应用此功能

    rm_accent <- function(str,pattern="all") {
    str <- as.character(str)

  pattern <- unique(pattern)

    pattern[pattern=="Ç"] <- "ç"

  symbols <- c(
    acute = "áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚýÝ",
    grave = "àèìòùÀÈÌÒÙ",
    circunflex = "âêîôûÂÊÎÔÛ",
    tilde = "ãõÃÕñÑ",
    umlaut = "äëïöüÄËÏÖÜÿ",
    cedil = "çÇ"

  nudeSymbols <- c(
    acute = "aeiouAEIOUyY",
    grave = "aeiouAEIOU",
    circunflex = "aeiouAEIOU",
    tilde = "aoAOnN",
    umlaut = "aeiouAEIOUy",
    cedil = "cC"

  accentTypes <- c("´","`","^","~","¨","ç")

  if(any(c("all","al","a","todos","t","to","tod","todo")%in%pattern)) # opcao retirar todos
    return(chartr(paste(symbols, collapse=""), paste(nudeSymbols, collapse=""), str))

  for(i in which(accentTypes%in%pattern))
    str <- chartr(symbols[i],nudeSymbols[i], str) 


Three ways to remove accents - shown and compared to each other below.三种去除重音的方法 - 下面显示并相互比较。
The data to play with:要玩的数据:

dtCases <- fread("https://github.com/ishaberry/Covid19Canada/raw/master/cases.csv", stringsAsFactors = F )
dim(dtCases) #  751526     16


> system.time(dtCases [, city0 := health_region])
   user  system elapsed 
  0.009   0.001   0.012 
> system.time(dtCases [, city1 := base::iconv (health_region, to="ASCII//TRANSLIT")]) # or ... iconv (health_region, from="UTF-8", to="ASCII//TRANSLIT")
   user  system elapsed 
  0.165   0.001   0.200 
> system.time(dtCases [, city2 := textclean::replace_non_ascii (health_region)])
   user  system elapsed 
  9.108   0.063   9.351 
> system.time(dtCases [, city3 := stringi::stri_trans_general (health_region,id = "Latin-ASCII")])
   user  system elapsed 
   4.34    0.00    4.46 


> dtCases[city0!=city1, city0:city3] %>% unique
                           city0                         city1                         city2                         city3
                          <char>                        <char>                        <char>                        <char>
1:                      Montréal                      Montreal                      Montreal                      Montreal
2:                    Montérégie                    Monteregie                    Monteregie                    Monteregie
3:          Chaudière-Appalaches          Chaudiere-Appalaches          Chaudiere-Appalaches          Chaudiere-Appalaches
4:                    Lanaudière                    Lanaudiere                    Lanaudiere                    Lanaudiere
5:                Nord-du-Québec                Nord-du-Quebec                Nord-du-Quebec                Nord-du-Quebec
6:         Abitibi-Témiscamingue         Abitibi-Temiscamingue         Abitibi-Temiscamingue         Abitibi-Temiscamingue
7: Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine Gaspesie-Iles-de-la-Madeleine Gaspesie-Iles-de-la-Madeleine Gaspesie-Iles-de-la-Madeleine
8:                     Côte-Nord                     Cote-Nord                     Cote-Nord                     Cote-Nord


The base::iconv() is the fastest and preferred method. base::iconv()是最快和首选的方法。 Tested on French words.测试法语单词。 Not tested on other languages.未在其他语言上测试。

Here is an version of Jeldrik's solution revised for DataFrames.这是针对 DataFrames 修订的 Jeldrik 解决方案的一个版本。 Note the := operator is deprecated in base R.请注意:=运算符在基础 R 中已弃用。


base <- data.frame(terme = c("Millésime", 

base$terme = stri_trans_general(str = base$terme, id = "Latin-ASCII")

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