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[英]In the Spring Framework for Java, what is the best way to store elements defined in the .properties file into a variable in JavaScript?

I currently have a Java Spring project where the bulk of the front is in AngularJS, HTML, etc. I currently have an application.properties file that holds: 我目前有一个Java Spring项目,其中大部分是AngularJS,HTML等。我目前有一个application.properties文件,其中包含:


    ui.firstLink: www.google.com
    ui.secondLink: www.yahoo.com
    ui.thirdLink: www.w3schools.com

    myBool: False

The first five seem to read in automatically to a place I cannot seem to find. 前五个似乎自动读到我似乎找不到的地方。 The last four, I'd like to access in Javascript to store the urls and the boolean. 最后四个,我想用Java语言访问以存储URL和布尔值。 I'd like to write something in JS like: 我想用JS写一些东西:

    var myLink1 = "something that accesses ui.firstLink in application.properties";

    var myLink2 = "something that accesses ui.secondLink in application.properties";

    var myLink3 = "something that accesses ui.thirdLink in application.properties";

Right now, I am reading information from a Javascript file that holds a JSON object that I'd eventually like to get rid of. 现在,我正在从Javascript文件中读取信息,该Javascript文件包含我最终想要摆脱的JSON对象。 It was all the same information as application.properties, except it is more visible to the end user. 它与application.properties相同,只是对最终用户更可见。 How do I get the links from my application.properties file into Javascript variables? 如何获得从application.properties文件到Javascript变量的链接?

You could create a jsp file with this: 您可以使用以下命令创建一个jsp文件:

    var myLink1 = '<%=properties.getProperty("ui.firstLink")%>';

If you want to use spring, create a PopertiesPlaceHolderConfigurer and use spring tags in jsp. 如果要使用spring,请创建PopertiesPlaceHolderConfigurer并在jsp中使用spring标记。 See here 这里

I don't like to mix JavaScript with the server-side language as it: 我不喜欢将JavaScript与服务器端语言混合使用:

  • makes life harder for editors 使编辑人员的生活更加艰难
  • is harder to read 更难读
  • couples JS with the server-side technology 结合JS与服务器端技术

Therefore, I would put the desired variable expressions as meta tags or data-attributes and then access them using JS. 因此,我将所需的变量表达式作为元标记或数据属性,然后使用JS访问它们。

  • <body data-uifirstlink='<%=properties.getProperty("uifirstLink")%>'; accessed with jQuery by: $('body').data('uifirstlink'); 使用jQuery通过以下方式访问: $('body').data('uifirstlink');

    note: ideally, these data attributes should be as contextual as possible (instead of body choose a more specific place). 注意:理想情况下,这些数据属性应尽可能地与上下文相关(而不是body选择更具体的位置)。

  • <meta name='uifirstlink' content='<%=properties.getProperty("uifirstLink")%>' /> accessed with jQuery by: $('meta[name="uifirstlink"]').prop('content') <meta name='uifirstlink' content='<%=properties.getProperty("uifirstLink")%>' />用jQuery通过以下方式访问: $('meta[name="uifirstlink"]').prop('content')

A service for retrieving properties is not good because: 一种用于收回性质的服务是不是一件好事,因为:

  • You need to wait for the page to load to run the call and use the variables 您需要等待页面加载以运行调用并使用变量
  • You have unnecessary Ajax calls 您有不必要的Ajax通话
  • You create more coupling between client and server 您在客户端和服务器之间创建更多耦合

Finally, you could consider cookies or headers, but I don't think is so straightforward. 最后,您可以考虑使用Cookie或标头,但我认为这不是那么简单。

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