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[英]Get data from MySQL database and add to list (NodeJS)

So using a list of ids, I'm trying to get data for each element in the database and add that element to a list. 因此,使用ID列表,我试图获取数据库中每个元素的数据并将该元素添加到列表中。 At the end, I'm displaying it on an HTML page. 最后,我将其显示在HTML页面上。 How would I do that? 我该怎么做? Right now, since it executes the queries async, the list will be empty after running the code to execute the query and add the result to a list. 现在,由于它异步执行查询,因此在运行代码以执行查询并将结果添加到列表之后,该列表将为空。

Lets assume you have a table called teams that contains a row for each team, with columns like id , games , total_points , wins , and losses . 让我们假设你有一个表叫做teams包含每个团队一行,像列idgamestotal_pointswinslosses

Lets assume you have an array of team id . 假设您有一组team id You want to query the database for those records, then do some things with them before returning them to the front end as json. 您想在数据库中查询这些记录,然后对它们执行一些操作,然后再将它们作为json返回前端。

This is how i understand your problem. 这就是我理解您的问题的方式。 If this isn't the case, please clarify in a comment on this answer. 如果不是这种情况,请在对此答案的评论中进行澄清。

Possible solution: Do it all in one query. 可能的解决方案:在一个查询中全部完成。 I'm going to use my favorite mysql library, knexjs . 我将使用我最喜欢的mysql库knexjs

var columns = ['id', 'games', 'total_points', 'wins', 'loses'];

function getTeams(ids){
  return knex.select(columns).where('id', 'in', ids)
    .then((teams) => {
      //do whatever with array of teams
      return teams;

It's pretty much as simple as that. 就这么简单。

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