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[英]How to get hexadecimal value from combined booleans?

I want to get a hexadecimal value from four boolean variables something like this example:我想从四个布尔变量中获取一个十六进制值,如下例所示:

boolean[] m = {true, false, true, true};

I want to get a String or char that hold B which means 1011 in binary.我想得到一个包含B的字符串或字符,这意味着二进制1011

PS: I am working on an Android app. PS:我正在开发一个 Android 应用程序。

You can use below code to get your binary string, integer value and hexDecimal value.您可以使用下面的代码来获取您的二进制字符串、整数值和 hexDecimal 值。

    boolean[] m = {true,false,true,true};
    String binaryStr = "";
    for (boolean bit : m) {
        binaryStr = binaryStr + ((bit) ? "1" : "0" );
    int decimal = Integer.parseInt(binaryStr , 2);
    String hexStr = Integer.toString(decimal , 16);

In above code, binaryStr is your Binary String ie 1011 and its equivalent decimal and hexa decimal value are decimal and hexStr在上面的代码中, binaryStr是您的二进制字符串,即1011 ,其等效的十进制和十六进制十进制值是decimalhexStr

boolean[] booleanArray = new boolean[] { true, false, false, true };
String binaryString = Arrays.toString(booleanArray).replace("true", "1").replace("false", "0");

and just convert that binaryString to hexadecimalvalue只需将该 binaryString 转换为十六进制值

While the above answers do work, they have their limitations.虽然上述答案确实有效,但它们有其局限性。 The first limit being a cap at 32 booleans because of the 32 bit integer limit.由于 32 位整数限制,第一个限制是 32 个布尔值。 But the above code also uses built-in methods, they don't allow a beginner to grasp what is really going on.但是上面的代码也使用了内置方法,它们不允许初学者掌握真正发生的事情。

If you just want to get the job done, use something from above.如果您只是想完成工作,请使用上面的内容。 It'll probably be more efficient.它可能会更有效率。 I'm just posting this solution because I feel it will allow someone who wants to grasp the actual concept do so better.我只是发布这个解决方案,因为我觉得它会让想要掌握实际概念的人做得更好。

(Hopefully the comments make a little sense) (希望评论有点道理)

public static String booleanArrayToHex1(boolean[] arr){

    if(!(arr.length%4==0)){arr=makeMultOf4(arr);} //If you are using arrays not in multiples of four, you can put a method here to add the correct number of zeros to he front.
    //Remove the above line if your array will always have a length that is a multiple of 4

    byte[] hexValues=new byte[arr.length/4]; 
    //The array above is where the decimal hex values are stored, it is byte because the range we need is 0-16, bytes are the closest to that with the range of 0-255

    int hexCounter=arr.length/4-1; //counts what hex number you are calculating

    /* The below loop calculates chunks of 4 bianary numbers to it's hex value
     * this works because 16 is a power of 2
     * so if we simpily squish those numbers together it will be the same as finding the accual integer value of the whole thing
     * This can go to higher numbers because we do not have the 32 bit integer limit
     * it runs in reverse because the lowest value is on the right of the array (the ones place is on the right)
    for(int i=arr.length-1;i>=0;i--){
            int place=1; //will count the value of a bianary number in terms of its place

            for(int j=3;j>i%4;j--) 
            //loop multiplies the bianary number by 2 j times, j being what place it's in (two's, four's, eight's). This gives the correct value for the number within the chunk.
            //This is why the array needs to be a multiple of 4

            hexValues[hexCounter]+=place; //this will add that place value to the current chunk, only if this place in the boolean array is true (because of the above if - statement)

        if(i%4==0)//moves the chunk over one every 4 binary values

    //Everything below simpily takes the array of decimal hex values, and converts to a alpha-numeric string (array to normal hex numbers)
    String ret="";
    for(byte b:hexValues)
            case 10:
            case 11:
            case 12:
            case 13:
            case 14:
            case 15:
    return ret;

If your array length is not a multiple of 4, to make this work you will need to make the array a multiple of 4. I have some code below that will do that.如果您的数组长度不是 4 的倍数,要完成这项工作,您需要将数组设为 4 的倍数。我在下面有一些代码可以做到这一点。 It's not commented, and probably not that efficient, but it works.它没有评论,可能效率不高,但它有效。

public static boolean[] makeMultOf4(boolean[] arr){
    if(arr.length%4==0){return arr;}
    boolean[] array=new boolean[arr.length+(arr.length%4==1?3:arr.length%4==2?2:1)];
    for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++){
        }catch(Exception e){
    return array;

You can use this logic :您可以使用此逻辑:

String x = ""; 
for(int i  = 0 ; i < m.length ; i++){
      x += "1";
       x += "0";

Log.i("values = ",x);

For each boolean value append to binary string 1 if true 0 otherwise, then using Integer.parseInt() convert binary string to Integer instance, finally convet integer to hex string using Integer.toHexString() method对于每个布尔值附加到binary字符串 1 如果true 0 否则,然后使用Integer.parseInt()将二进制字符串转换为 Integer 实例,最后使用Integer.toHexString()方法将整数转换为十六进制字符串

public void test() throws Exception{

    boolean[] m = {true, false, true, true};
    String binary = "";

    for(boolean b : m) binary += b ? 1 : 0;

    String hex = Integer.toHexString(Integer.parseInt(binary, 2));


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