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[英]Parse string value from URL

I have a string (which is an URL) in this pattern https://xxx.kflslfsk.com/kjjfkskfjksf/v1/files/media/93939393hhs8.jpeg now I want to clip it to this 我在这种模式下有一个字符串(这是一个URL) https://xxx.kflslfsk.com/kjjfkskfjksf/v1/files/media/93939393hhs8.jpeg现在我想将其剪切至此


I want to remove all the characters before the second last slash / . 我想删除倒数第二个/前的所有字符。

i'm a newbie in java but in swift (iOS) this is how we do this: 我是Java的新手,但是在Swift(iOS)中,这就是我们的操作方式:

if let url = NSURL(string:"https://xxx.kflslfsk.com/kjjfkskfjksf/v1/files/media/93939393hhs8.jpeg"), pathComponents = url.pathComponents {
    let trimmedString = pathComponents.suffix(2).joinWithSeparator("/")
    print(trimmedString) // "output =  media/93939393hhs8.jpeg"

Basically, I'm removing everything from this Url expect of last 2 item and then. 基本上,我将从最后2个项目的网址期望中删除所有内容,然后删除。

I'm joining those 2 items using / . 我正在使用/加入这2个项目。

String ret = url.substring(url.indexof("media"),url.indexof("jpg"))

Are you familiar with Regex? 您熟悉Regex吗? Try to use this Regex (explained in the link) that captures the last 2 items separated with / : 尝试使用此正则表达式 (在链接中解释),该正则表达式捕获用/分隔的最后2个项目。


Here is the example in Java (don't forget the escaping with \\\\ : 这是Java中的示例(不要忘记使用\\\\进行转义:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^.*?\\/([^\\/]+?\\/[^\\/]+?$)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(string);

if (m.find()) {

Alternatively there is the split(..) function, however I recommend you the way above. 另外,还有split(..)函数,但是我建议您采用上述方法。 (Finally concatenate separated strings correctly with StringBuilder ). (最后使用StringBuilder正确连接分隔的字符串)。

String part[] = string.split("/");
int l = part.length;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String result = sb.append(part[l-2]).append("/").append(part[l-1]).toString();

Both giving the same result: media/93939393hhs8.jpeg 两者给出的结果相同: media/93939393hhs8.jpeg

 string result=url.substring(url.substring(0,url.lastIndexOf('/')).lastIndexOf('/'));

or 要么

Use Split and add last 2 items 使用拆分并添加最后2个项目

  string[] arr=url.split("/");
  string result= arr[arr.length-2]+"/"+arr[arr.length-1]
public static String parseUrl(String str) {
    return (str.lastIndexOf("/") > 0) ? str.substring(1+(str.substring(0,str.lastIndexOf("/")).lastIndexOf("/"))) : str;

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