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Firebase应用邀请在Swift iOS上崩溃

[英]Firebase app invite crashing on swift ios

I've added firebase app invites in my swift based iOS application. 我已在基于Swift的iOS应用程序中添加了Firebase应用程序邀请。 I have followed this complete instructions however, it has been crashing on invite.open() line while showing invite dialog. 我已按照此完整说明进行操作,但是在显示邀请对话框时,它在invite.open()行上崩溃了。

The error is: 错误是:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', 由于未捕获的异常“ NSInvalidArgumentException”而终止应用程序,

reason: '*** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: GINInviteResources.bundle)'. 原因:“ *** setObjectForKey:对象不能为零(键:GINInviteResources.bundle)”。

Did anyone managed to make it work? 有没有人设法使其工作?

After digging for 2 days what I found was FirebaseInvites.framework seems to have resource dependancies for GINInviteResources.bundle and GPPACLPickerResources.bundle. 挖掘2天后,我发现FirebaseInvites.framework似乎与GINInviteResources.bundle和GPPACLPickerResources.bundle的资源相关。

Somehow, pod was not including it in to my project.(Still could not find why) but adding this two dependencies manually in to my target worked like a charm. 不知何故,pod并没有将其包含在我的项目中(仍然找不到原因),但是将这两个依赖项手动添加到我的目标中就像一个魅力。

PS: Adding this answer to save someone's effort. PS:添加此答案可以节省某人的精力。

Right, I too faced this. 是的,我也面临这个问题。 Download framework SDK zip from https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup and get those bundles from \\Invites\\Resources\\.. https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup下载framework SDK zip ,并从\\Invites\\Resources\\..获取这些捆绑包\\Invites\\Resources\\..

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