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[英]Overlapping svg path events depending on variable

I made a basketball svg court. 我做了一个篮球svg球场。 In this svg there two significant paths that are useful to me: #inside_area_a with #threepoint_area_b and #inside_area_b with #threepoint_area_b . 在这个SVG有两种显著路径是有用的对我说: #inside_area_a#threepoint_area_b#inside_area_b#threepoint_area_b

#inside_area_a overlaps with #threepoint_area_b and #inside_area_b overlaps with #threepoint_area_a . #inside_area_a重叠与#threepoint_area_b#inside_area_b与重叠#threepoint_area_a With jQuery i want to make only one pair(a or b) to be clickable, depending on a variable. 使用jQuery我想只使一对(a或b)可点击,具体取决于变量。 For example, 例如,

    //#inside_area_a and #threepoint_area_a click functions
else //#inside_area_b and #threepoint_area_b click functions

How could this be done with jQuery? 怎么可以用jQuery完成?

 <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 435.7 234.4" style="enable-background:new 0 0 435.7 234.4;" xml:space="preserve"> <style type="text/css"> svg { height: 100%; } .st0 { fill: none; stroke: #010101; stroke-width: 3; } #inside_area_a { fill: transparent; } #inside_area_b { fill: transparent; } #inside_area_a:hover { fill: #1abc9c; } #inside_area_b:hover { fill: #1abc9c; } </style> 

 <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 435.7 234.4" style="enable-background:new 0 0 435.7 234.4;" xml:space="preserve"> <style type="text/css"> svg { height: 100%; } .st0 { fill: none; stroke: #010101; stroke-width: 3; } </style> <rect id="XMLID_28_" x="5.2" y="24.3" class="st0" width="0" height="186.7" /> <path id="inside_area_a" class="st0" d="M29.1,211c52.4,0,94.9-41.8,94.9-93.4S81.5,24.3,29.1,24.3H5.2V211H29.1z" /> <path id="threepoint_area_a" class="st0" d="M5.3,24L5.3,24l0-0.7L5.3,24h23.9c52.4,0,94.9,41.8,94.9,93.4s-42.5,93.4-94.9,93.4H5.3 v0.6l0-0.6v18.7h425.4V5.3H5.3V24z" /> <path id="inside_area_b" class="st0" d="M430.5,23.6v188.1V211h-23.9c-52.4,0-94.9-41.8-94.9-93.4s42.5-93.4,94.9-93.4h23.9" /> <path id="threepoint_area_b" class="st0" d="M430.4,210.4L430.4,210.4l0,0.7L430.4,210.4h-23.9c-52.4,0-94.9-41.8-94.9-93.4 s42.5-93.4,94.9-93.4h23.9V23l0,0.6V5H5v224.1h425.4V210.4L430.4,210.4z" /> <line id="center_line" class="st0" x1="217.8" y1="231.9" x2="217.8" y2="3.4" /> <ellipse id="center_circle" class="st0" cx="217.8" cy="117.6" rx="27.3" ry="26.9" /> <line id="freethrow_line_a" class="st0" x1="93.3" y1="144.5" x2="93.3" y2="90.8" /> <line id="freethrow_line_b" class="st0" x1="342.4" y1="144.5" x2="342.4" y2="90.8" /> <path id="freethrow_circle_a" class="st0" d="M93.3,90.8c15.1,0,27.3,12,27.3,26.9s-12.2,26.9-27.3,26.9" /> <path id="freethrow_circle_b" class="st0" d="M342.4,144.5c-15.1,0-27.3-12-27.3-26.9s12.2-26.9,27.3-26.9" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_a_left" class="st0" x1="93.3" y1="144.5" x2="4.6" y2="144.9" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_a_right_dashes" class="st0" x1="4.4" y1="90.8" x2="93.8" y2="90.8" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_b_left_dashes" class="st0" x1="431.1" y1="144.5" x2="342" y2="144.5" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_b_right_dashes" class="st0" x1="430.6" y1="90.8" x2="342.2" y2="90.8" /> <line id="basket_board_a" class="st0" x1="23.4" y1="131.1" x2="23.4" y2="104.2" /> <line id="basket_board_b" class="st0" x1="412.3" y1="131.1" x2="412.3" y2="104.2" /> <line id="basket_holder_a" class="st0" x1="23.4" y1="117.6" x2="27.9" y2="117.6" /> <line id="basket_holder_b" class="st0" x1="412.3" y1="117.6" x2="407.7" y2="117.6" /> <ellipse id="XMLID_27_" class="st0" cx="31.7" cy="117.6" rx="3.8" ry="3.7" /> <ellipse id="basket_b" class="st0" cx="403.9" cy="117.6" rx="3.8" ry="3.7" /> </svg> 

I duplicated your "inside" and "three point" areas. 我复制了你的“内部”和“三点”区域。 For one set I left the id's as they were. 对于一组我离开了id的原样。 For the other set I prepended "select_" onto the id. 对于另一组,我将“select_”添加到id上。 Having these two sets allows me to separate hover targets from color targets. 拥有这两个集合允许我将悬停目标与颜色目标分开。 (You should probably do this duplication dynamically, especially for more complicated graphics, but this manual duplication is good enough to demonstrate the technique.) (你应该动态地进行这种复制,特别是对于更复杂的图形,但是这种手动复制足以证明这种技术。)

I put the originals at the "bottom" of the svg stack of elements (ie near the start of the svg code) so that coloring them wouldn't hide any black lines. 我把原件放在svg元素堆栈的“底部”(即靠近svg代码的开头),这样它们着色就不会隐藏任何黑线。 (Note that I had to slightly rearrange these so that, when colored, the three point areas wouldn't cover the inside area.) However, I put the duplicate set at the "top" of the svg stack (ie near the end of the svg code) so that the hover targets would be topmost. (注意,我必须稍微重新排列这些,以便在着色时,三个点区域不会覆盖内部区域。)但是,我将重复的设置放在svg堆栈的“顶部”(即接近结束时) svg代码)这样​​悬停目标就是最顶层的。

Then I hid all of the duplicate elements, ie the ones that emit hover events, such that no hovers can initially be detected. 然后我隐藏了所有重复的元素,即发出悬停事件的元素,这样最初就不会检测到悬停。 When one team's button is clicked, only the one hoverable "inside" area and the one hoverable "three point" area for that team are made "visible". 当点击一个团队的按钮时,只有一个可扩展的“内部”区域和该团队的一个可扩展的“三点”区域变得“可见”。 These still remain unseen by the viewer (fill is always transparent) but "visible" with respect to now being hover targets (visibility changes from hidden to visible). 这些仍然是观众看不到的(填充总是透明的)但是现在是悬停目标的“可见”(可见性从隐藏变为可见)。 Thus, the hover targets are essentially swapped depending on which team is chosen. 因此,根据选择的团队,悬停目标基本上是交换的。 Note that the hoverability of all the targets always remains intact. 请注意,所有目标的可恢复性始终保持不变。 It's just that only 2 of the 4 are ever visible, and thus truly hoverable, at any point in time. 只是在4个中只有2个在任何时间点都可见,因此真正可以挽救。

The code that includes the doubly-nested forEach loops is just a concise way of setting up all the jQuery hover events. 包含双嵌套forEach循环的代码只是设置所有jQuery悬停事件的简洁方法。

UPDATE : You asked about which area to click on. 更新 :您询问了要点击的区域。 I updated the code to show that the appropriate targets are those with id's starting with "select_". 我更新了代码,以显示适当的目标是那些id为“select_”的目标。 I had fun demo'ing that by implementing a simple game score updated by clicking on a 2- or 3-point area for either the home or away teams. 我玩得很开心,通过点击主场或客队的2分或3分区域来实现更新的简单游戏分数。

 var $btn = $('button'); var ins = 'inside_area_'; var thr = 'threepoint_area_'; var selIns = 'select_' + ins; var selThr = 'select_' + thr; var score = {home: 0, away: 0}; [[ins, selIns], [thr, selThr]].forEach(function(areas) { ['a', 'b'].forEach(function(side) { $('#' + areas[1] + side).hover( function() {$('#' + areas[0] + side).css('fill', '#1abc9c' );}, function() {$('#' + areas[0] + side).css('fill', 'transparent');} ); $('#' + areas[1] + side).click(basketballShotHandler); }); }); function basketballShotHandler(evt) { areaClicked = evt.target.id; var team, pts; switch (areaClicked) { case 'select_inside_area_a': team = 'home'; pts = 2; break; case 'select_threepoint_area_a': team = 'home'; pts = 3; break; case 'select_inside_area_b': team = 'away'; pts = 2; break; case 'select_threepoint_area_b': team = 'away'; pts = 3; break; } score[team] += pts; $('#homeScore').text(score.home); $('#awayScore').text(score.away); } $btn.click(function(e) { var currentSide, opposingSide; switch (e.target.innerText) { case 'Home': currentSide = 'a'; opposingSide = 'b'; break; case 'Away': currentSide = 'b'; opposingSide = 'a'; break; } $('#' + selIns + currentSide).css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#' + selThr + currentSide).css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#' + selIns + opposingSide).css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('#' + selThr + opposingSide).css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); 
 svg { height: 100%; } .st0 { fill: none; stroke: #010101; stroke-width: 3; } .st1 { fill: transparent; visibility: hidden; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <button id="home">Home</button> <button id="away">Away</button> <span>Home: <span id="homeScore">0</span> Away: <span id="awayScore">0</span></span> <div> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 435.7 234.4" style="enable-background:new 0 0 435.7 234.4;" xml:space="preserve"> <rect id="XMLID_28_" x="5.2" y="24.3" class="st0" width="0" height="186.7" /> <path id="threepoint_area_a" class="st0" d="M5.3,24L5.3,24l0-0.7L5.3,24h23.9c52.4,0,94.9,41.8,94.9,93.4s-42.5,93.4-94.9,93.4H5.3 v0.6l0-0.6v18.7h425.4V5.3H5.3V24z" /> <path id="threepoint_area_b" class="st0" d="M430.4,210.4L430.4,210.4l0,0.7L430.4,210.4h-23.9c-52.4,0-94.9-41.8-94.9-93.4 s42.5-93.4,94.9-93.4h23.9V23l0,0.6V5H5v224.1h425.4V210.4L430.4,210.4z" /> <path id="inside_area_a" class="st0" d="M29.1,211c52.4,0,94.9-41.8,94.9-93.4S81.5,24.3,29.1,24.3H5.2V211H29.1z" /> <path id="inside_area_b" class="st0" d="M430.5,23.6v188.1V211h-23.9c-52.4,0-94.9-41.8-94.9-93.4s42.5-93.4,94.9-93.4h23.9" /> <line id="center_line" class="st0" x1="217.8" y1="231.9" x2="217.8" y2="3.4" /> <ellipse id="center_circle" class="st0" cx="217.8" cy="117.6" rx="27.3" ry="26.9" /> <line id="freethrow_line_a" class="st0" x1="93.3" y1="144.5" x2="93.3" y2="90.8" /> <line id="freethrow_line_b" class="st0" x1="342.4" y1="144.5" x2="342.4" y2="90.8" /> <path id="freethrow_circle_a" class="st0" d="M93.3,90.8c15.1,0,27.3,12,27.3,26.9s-12.2,26.9-27.3,26.9" /> <path id="freethrow_circle_b" class="st0" d="M342.4,144.5c-15.1,0-27.3-12-27.3-26.9s12.2-26.9,27.3-26.9" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_a_left" class="st0" x1="93.3" y1="144.5" x2="4.6" y2="144.9" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_a_right_dashes" class="st0" x1="4.4" y1="90.8" x2="93.8" y2="90.8" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_b_left_dashes" class="st0" x1="431.1" y1="144.5" x2="342" y2="144.5" /> <line id="freethrow_lane_line_b_right_dashes" class="st0" x1="430.6" y1="90.8" x2="342.2" y2="90.8" /> <line id="basket_board_a" class="st0" x1="23.4" y1="131.1" x2="23.4" y2="104.2" /> <line id="basket_board_b" class="st0" x1="412.3" y1="131.1" x2="412.3" y2="104.2" /> <line id="basket_holder_a" class="st0" x1="23.4" y1="117.6" x2="27.9" y2="117.6" /> <line id="basket_holder_b" class="st0" x1="412.3" y1="117.6" x2="407.7" y2="117.6" /> <ellipse id="XMLID_27_" class="st0" cx="31.7" cy="117.6" rx="3.8" ry="3.7" /> <ellipse id="basket_b" class="st0" cx="403.9" cy="117.6" rx="3.8" ry="3.7" /> <path id="select_inside_area_a" class="st1" d="M29.1,211c52.4,0,94.9-41.8,94.9-93.4S81.5,24.3,29.1,24.3H5.2V211H29.1z" /> <path id="select_threepoint_area_a" class="st1" d="M5.3,24L5.3,24l0-0.7L5.3,24h23.9c52.4,0,94.9,41.8,94.9,93.4s-42.5,93.4-94.9,93.4H5.3 v0.6l0-0.6v18.7h425.4V5.3H5.3V24z" /> <path id="select_inside_area_b" class="st1" d="M430.5,23.6v188.1V211h-23.9c-52.4,0-94.9-41.8-94.9-93.4s42.5-93.4,94.9-93.4h23.9" /> <path id="select_threepoint_area_b" class="st1" d="M430.4,210.4L430.4,210.4l0,0.7L430.4,210.4h-23.9c-52.4,0-94.9-41.8-94.9-93.4 s42.5-93.4,94.9-93.4h23.9V23l0,0.6V5H5v224.1h425.4V210.4L430.4,210.4z" /> </svg> </div> 

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