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如何在 Vuex 中调用 action inside action

[英]How to call action inside action in Vuex

I try to build a really small Vue App with a Rails API.我尝试使用 Rails API 构建一个非常小的 Vue 应用程序。 So at the moment I work with Vue, Vue-Resource and Vuex.所以目前我使用 Vue、Vue-Resource 和 Vuex。 I'll fetch all users from the database und now i try to update one of them.我将从数据库中获取所有用户,现在我尝试更新其中之一。 So everythings works fine (patch User), but after running the updateUser action I want to run the fetchUsers action again to update the Vuex store.所以一切正常(补丁用户),但在运行 updateUser 操作后,我想再次运行 fetchUsers 操作以更新 Vuex 存储。

But when the fetchUsers runs inside the updateUser promise I get the following error:但是当 fetchUsers 在 updateUser 承诺内运行时,我收到以下错误:

undefined:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispatch' of undefined

this is what my vuex/actions.js are looking:这就是我的 vuex/actions.js 正在寻找的:

export const fetchUsers = function ({ dispatch, state }) {
  this.$http.get('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users').then((response) => {
    dispatch('SET_USERS', response.data)
  }, (response) => {
    dispatch('SET_USERS', [])

export const updateUser = function ({ dispatch, state }, user) {
  this.$http.patch('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users/' + user.id, {user: user}).then((response) => {
  }, (response) => {

I now that the fetchUsers action somehow loses context(?) but I don't know how to deal with that!我现在 fetchUsers 操作不知何故丢失了上下文(?),但我不知道如何处理! thanks for every help!感谢每一个帮助!

this is how i got it to working :)这就是我让它工作的方式:)

import Vue from 'vue'

export const fetchUsers = ({ dispatch, state }) => {
  Vue.http.get('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users').then((response) => {
    dispatch('SET_USERS', response.data)
  }, (response) => {
    dispatch('SET_USERS', [])

export const updateUser = ({ dispatch, state }, user) => {
  Vue.http.patch('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users/' + user.id, {user: user}).then((response) => {
  }, (response) => {
    dispatch('SET_USERS', [])

When you console.log('this', this) inside of store module, you can see dispatch listed in that context.当您在 store 模块中使用console.log('this', this) ,您可以看到在该上下文中列出的 dispatch。 so you can use it like so.:所以你可以像这样使用它。:

// inside of store/test.js module
export const state = () => ({
    test: 'somestate'

export const mutations = {
  ACTION_TWO(state, data) {
    state.test = data;

export const actions = {
  actionOne({ commit }, value) {
     this.dispatch('test/actionTwo', value); // moduleName/action
  actionTwo({ commit }, valueToCommit) {
    commit('ACTION_TWO', valueToCommit);

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