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[英]JQPLOT bar graph range

I have created a dynamic bar graph using jqplot, the problem is that some values are quite big ie 10000000 and others are pretty small ie 2000 or 10000. Because of this range issue, i am only able to see the bigger valued graphs while the rest dont even appear up or appear as just a line on the axis. 我用jqplot创建了一个动态条形图,问题是有些值非常大,即10000000而其他值非常小,即2000或10000.由于这个范围问题,我只能看到更大的有价值的图,而其余的甚至不会出现或显示为轴上的一条线。

Could someone please let me know how this range issue could be solved? 有人可以告诉我这个范围问题怎么解决?

Following my comment, and your need to achieve a solution which includes jqplot bar chart, i'll suggest illustrating the massive difference of values by adding a second line graph to the plot. 根据我的评论,以及您需要实现包含jqplot条形图的解决方案,我建议通过在绘图中添加第二个折线图来说明值的巨大差异。

var data = [10000000, 5000000,10000,2000];
var options= {    
   title: 'Bar and Line Chart',      
      renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,                 
      rendererOptions: {          
         barMargin: 5,           
         fillToZero: true               
      pointLabels: {
         show: true,
   axes: {      
      xaxis: {          
         tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
         renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
      yaxis: {   
         labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
         padMin: 0,
         pad: 1.1,
         label: ' logarithmic scale',
         rendererOptions: { forceTickAt0: true}
$.jqplot('graph', [data,data], options );

Here is a working solution in jsfiddle 这是jsfiddle中的一个有效解决方案

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