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[英]Jasmine test for Angular service does not resolve deferred call

I'm pretty new to Angular and I am working to test an Angular service that runs off an API level service which wraps a bunch of calls to a REST service. 我是Angular的新手,我正在测试一个运行API级别服务的Angular服务,该服务将大量调用包装到REST服务中。 Because it is working with HTTP requests, both parts of the service are working with promises and it seems to work fine, but I am having trouble getting any tests of promised behaviour working. 因为它正在处理HTTP请求,所以服务的两个部分都在使用promises,它似乎工作正常,但我无法对承诺的行为进行任何测试。

The relevant part of my service code ( grossly simplified ) looks like this: 我的服务代码的相关部分(非常简化)如下所示:

 .service('myInfoService', function (infoApi, $q) {
    infoLoaded: false,
    allInfo: [],
    getInfo: function () {
        var defer = $q.defer();
        if (infoLoaded) {
        } else {
            infoApi.getAllInfo().then(function (newInfo) {
                allInfo = newInfo;
                infoLoaded = true;
        return defer.promise;

When I am setting up my mock I have something like this: 当我设置我的模拟时,我有这样的事情:

   describe("Info Service ",
     function() {
        var infoService, infoRequestApi, $q;
        beforeEach(function() {
            module(function($provide) {
                infoRequestApi = {
                   requestCount: 0,
                   getAllInfo: function() {
                       var defer = $q.defer(); 
                       defer.resolve( [ "info 1", "info 2" ] );
                       return defer.promise;
                $provide.value("infoApi", infoRequestApi);
            inject(function( _myInfoService_, _$q_ ) {
                 infoService = _myInfoService_,
                 $q = _$q_;

        it("should not fail in the middle of a test", function(done) {
            infoService.getInfo().then( function(infoResult) {
                  // expectation checks.
                  expect( true ).toBeTrue();

Any synchronous tests pass fine, but when I try to run any tests like this I get a message saying: Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL. 任何同步测试都没有通过,但是当我尝试运行这样的任何测试时,我收到一条消息: Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.

It seems as though something about the way that Angular.Mocks handles the deferred result is causing it to fail. 看起来Angular.Mocks处理延迟结果的方式似乎导致它失败。 When I step through the test, the mock object's defer variable is being set correctly, but the then statement in the service is never called. 当我逐步完成测试时,正确设置了模拟对象的defer变量,但从不调用服务中的then语句。 Where am I going wrong? 我哪里错了?

Short Answer 简答

You have to kick off a digest cycle. 你必须开始一个消化周期。 You can do that with $rootScope.$apply() . 你可以用$rootScope.$apply()来做到这一点。

it("should not fail in the middle of a test", inject(function($rootScope) {
  var actualResult = null;
    .then(function(infoResult) { actualResult = infoResult; });
  expect(actualResult).toEqual(["info 1", "info 2"]);

Note 注意

I wouldn't try to create a fake infoRequestApi service the way you are doing it. 我不会尝试按照你的方式创建一个假的infoRequestApi服务。 You should be injecting that service as well, and spying on its functions. 您也应该注入该服务,并监视其功能。 For instance, something like this: 例如,像这样:

it("should not fail in the middle of a test", inject(function($rootScope, infoApi, $q) {
  var deferred = $q.defer();
  spyOn(infoApi, 'getAllInfo').and.returnValue(deferred.promise);
  var actualResult = null;
  var expectedResult = ["info 1", "info 2"];

    .then(function(infoResult) { actualResult = infoResult; });


Refactored 重构

Also, your code can be simplified a bit ( untested, but close to what I would expect to see ). 此外,您的代码可以简化一点( 未经测试,但接近我期望看到的 )。

  .service('myInfoService', function (infoApi, $q) {
     return {
       infoLoaded: false,
       allInfo: [],
       getInfo: function () {
         var self = this;
         return this.infoLoaded ? $q.resolve(this.allInfo) :
           infoApi.getAllInfo().then(function (newInfo) {
             self.allInfo = newInfo;
             self.infoLoaded = true;

describe("Info Service ", function() {
  var infoService, infoApi, $q, $rootScope;

  beforeEach(inject(function( _myInfoService_, _$q_ _$rootScope_, _infoApi_) {
    infoService = _myInfoService_,
    $q = _$q_;
    $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
    infoApi = _infoApi_;

  it("should do something", function() { // update message
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    spyOn(infoApi, 'getAllInfo').and.returnValue(deferred.promise);
    var actualResult = null;
    var expectedResult = ["info 1", "info 2"];

      .then(function(infoResult) { actualResult = infoResult; });


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