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[英]How to show values in html coming from object consistently?

My html : 我的html:

<p ng-repeat="gg in john(z.items)">Item:{{gg.name}}  Quantity:{{gg.quantity}}</p>

My controller: 我的控制器:

      console.log("my orders:");
      var temp=[];
          for(var i=0;i<parent.length;i++){
            for(var j=0;j<data.length;j++){
              console.log(typeof (temp[0]));

Now I want to show the response in the console like so: 现在,我想在控制台中显示响应,如下所示:

Object: {name: "Beef Burger", quantity: 1, rate: 150} 对象: {name: "Beef Burger", quantity: 1, rate: 150}

Object: {name: "Maharaja Mac", quantity: 1, rate: 150} 对象: {name: "Maharaja Mac", quantity: 1, rate: 150}


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