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[英]Why are not this implementation considered compatible with their interface by PHP?

I have these two interfaces: 我有这两个接口:

interface Observer
    public function notify(Observable $observable, ...$args);

interface Observable
    public static function register(Observer $observer);
    public function notifyObservers();

And here is what I am trying to implement: 以下是我要实现的内容:

abstract class EventHandler implements Observer
    abstract public function notify(Event $event, ...$args);

abstract class Event implements Observable
    private static $handlers = [];
    public static function register(EventHandler $handler)
        self::$handlers []= $handler;

    public function notifyObservers()
        //notify loop here...

Event is an Observable and EventHandler is an Observer , right? EventObservableEventHandlerObserver ,对吧?

So why php considers these implementation incompatible with their respective interfaces? 那么为什么php认为这些实现与它们各自的接口不兼容?

A simple test of what I meant by "compatible": 对“兼容”的含义进行简单测试:

class CreateEvent extends Event {}

$createEventObj = new CreateEvent();
if ($createEventObj instanceof Observable) {
    echo 'Compatible';
} else {
    echo 'Incompatible';

This is because of type hinting. 这是因为类型提示。 If your typehint is (Observable $observable) you should use exactly the same typehint in all implementation of this method in all sub-classes. 如果你的typehint是(Observable $ observable),你应该在所有子类的所有实现中使用完全相同的typehint。 Read more here http://php.net/manual/de/language.oop5.typehinting.php . 在这里阅读更多http://php.net/manual/de/language.oop5.typehinting.php

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