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[英]Trying to send a responsive email using PHP mailer

I have a responsive email template in a php file and trying to send it with PHP mailer with no success. 我在php文件中有一个响应电子邮件模板,试图用PHP邮件发送器发送失败,但没有成功。 My code looks like this. 我的代码如下所示。

$m = new PHPMailer;
$m ->isSMTP();

// debugging
// $m->SMTODebug=1
// endof debug

$m->Subject = 'Welcome to Efie';
$m->msgHTML(file_get_contents('functions/register-email.php'), dirname(__FILE__));
$m->FromName="Contact Form Efie";
if($m->send()) {
    echo '<p class="errors bg-success text-success">Email   Received</p>';

This isn't anything to do with it being responsive - that's just a matter of using the CSS media queries in the Zurb CSS, it doesn't need any javascript. 这与响应能力没有任何关系-只需在Zurb CSS中使用CSS媒体查询即可,它不需要任何JavaScript。

The problem you're seeing is that file_get_contents literally gets the contents of the file, it does not run it as a PHP script. 您看到的问题是file_get_contents从字面上获取文件的内容,它没有作为PHP脚本运行。 There are several ways to solve this. 有几种解决方法。

You can include the file while assigning it to a variable, like this: 您可以在将文件分配给变量时include文件,如下所示:

$body = include 'functions/register-email.php';
$m->msgHTML($body, dirname(__FILE__));

The problem with this approach is that you can't just have content sitting in the file, you need to return it as a value, so your template would be something like: 这种方法的问题在于,您不能只将内容放在文件中,而是需要将其作为值return ,因此您的模板应类似于:

$text = <<<EOT
return $text;

An easier approach is to use output buffering, which makes the template file simpler: 一种更简单的方法是使用输出缓冲,这使模板文件更简单:

include 'functions/register-email.php';
$body = ob_get_contents();
$m->msgHTML($body, dirname(__FILE__));

and the template would be simply: 模板将很简单:

<h1><?php echo $headline; ?></h1>

Either way, the template file will have access to your local variables and interpolation will work. 无论哪种方式,模板文件都可以访问您的局部变量,插值将起作用。

There are other options such as using eval , but it's inefficient and easy to do things wrong. 还有其他选项,例如使用eval ,但是效率低下且容易出错。

Using output buffering is the simplest, but if you want lots more flexibility and control, use a templating language such as Smarty or Twig . 使用输出缓冲是最简单的方法,但是如果您想要更大的灵活性和控制力,请使用诸如SmartyTwig之类的模板语言。

For working with Zurb, you really need a CSS inliner such as emogrifier to post-process your rendered template, otherwise things will fall apart in gmail and other low-quality mail clients. 为了使用Zurb,您确实需要CSS内衬(例如emogrifier)来对渲染的模板进行后处理,否则,在gmail和其他低质量的邮件客户端中,这些东西会分崩离析。

FYI, this stack - Zurb templates, Smarty, emogrifier, PHPMailer - is exactly what's used in smartmessages.net , which I built. 仅供参考,这个堆栈-Zurb模板,Smarty,emogrifier,PHPMailer-正是我构建的smartmessages.net中使用的。

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