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[英]Why doesn't Angular2 auto detect directives and providers used in a component definition?

For custom directives used inside the template, I guess it might make sense for Angular to not know the new html elements/attributes until we tell it in the "directive" property of the Component function. 对于模板内部使用的自定义指令,我猜想Angular在知道我们在Component函数的“ directive”属性中不知道新的html元素/属性时可能是有意义的。

However, what I don't understand why Angular doesn't figure out what providers we want for dependency injection even though we pass those services names via parameters in the Component constructor function. 但是,我不明白为什么Angular不能弄清楚我们想要什么样的提供程序进行依赖注入, 即使我们通过 Component构造函数中的参数传递了这些服务名称 Was this a design decision, or is Angular unable to figure out the providers needed just from the constructor parameters? 这是设计决定,还是Angular无法仅从构造函数参数中找出所需的提供程序?

In essence, why do we need providers: [HeroService], when we already have constructor(heroService: HeroService) {...} ? 本质上,为什么我们需要providers: [HeroService],当我们已经有了constructor(heroService: HeroService) {...}

Providers define two things 提供者定义两件事

  1. the scope 范围
    Where you define a provider defines what instance will be injected. 在定义提供程序的位置定义将要注入的实例。 Providers added at the root share a single instance with the whole application. 在根目录添加的提供程序与整个应用程序共享一个实例。
    Providers on a component override root providers for themselves and their subtree. 组件上的提供程序将覆盖其自身及其子树的根提供程序。

  2. the concrete value 具体价值
    You can have a provider like 您可以有一个像

{ provide: HeroService, useClass: SuperHeroService }
{ provide: 'SomeConfig', useValue: 'someValue' }
{ provide: Foo, useFactory: () => new Bar() }

Already taken care of actually. 已经照顾好了。 RC5 removed a LOT of boilerplate code. RC5删除了很多样板代码。

So you no longer need the 'directives' or 'providers' syntax in your @Component or @Directive declarations. 因此,您不再需要@Component或@Directive声明中的“指令”或“提供程序”语法。

Link: http://angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/08/angular-2-rc5-ngmodules-lazy-loading.html 链接: http//angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/08/angular-2-rc5-ngmodules-lazy-loading.html

This was definitely a design decision, because in some cases you might want a singleton service across your entire application and in another case you maybe need more instances of the same service. 这绝对是一个设计决定,因为在某些情况下,您可能希望在整个应用程序中使用单例服务,而在另一种情况下,您可能需要同一服务的更多实例。

And regarding to the answer by @cDecker32 you still need to register the providers, only now you do it in @NgModules take a look at this documentation: 关于@ cDecker32的答案,您仍然需要注册提供程序,只有现在您在@NgModules进行操作,才能查看此文档:

https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/ngmodule.html https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/ngmodule.html

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