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[英]Convert bash script to python

I have a bash script and i want to convert it to python. 我有一个bash脚本,我想将其转换为python。

This is the script : 这是脚本:

mv $1/positive/*.$3 $2/JPEGImages
mv $1/negative/*.$3 $2/JPEGImages
mv $1/positive/annotations/*.xml $2/Annotations
mv $1/negative/annotations/*.xml $2/Annotations
cut -d' ' -f1 $1/positive_label.txt > $4_trainval.txt

My problem is : i didn't found how to past positive_label.txt in $4_trainval.txt. 我的问题是:我没有找到如何通过$ 4_trainval.txt中的positive_label.txt。

This is my try, it's the first time i work with python. 这是我的尝试,这是我第一次使用python。 please help me to make it work. 请帮助我使它工作。 thank you. 谢谢。

import sys # Required for reading command line arguments
import os # Required for path manipulations
from os.path import expanduser # Required for expanding '~', which stands for home folder. Used just in case the command line arguments contain "~". Without this, python won't parse "~"
import glob
import shutil

def copy_dataset(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4):
    path1 = os.path.expanduser(arg1)
    path2 = os.path.expanduser(arg2) # 
    frame_ext = arg3 # File extension of the patches  
    pos_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path1,'positive/'+'*.'+frame_ext))
    neg_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path1,'negative/'+'*.'+frame_ext))
    pos_annotation = glob.glob(os.path.join(path1,'positive/annotations/'+'*.'+xml))
    neg_annotation = glob.glob(os.path.join(path1,'negative/annotations/'+'*.'+xml))

    #mv $1/positive/*.$3 $2/JPEGImages
    for x in pos_files:
        shutil.copyfile(x, os.path.join(path2,'JPEGImages'))

    #mv $1/negative/*.$3 $2/JPEGImages
    for y in neg_files:
        shutil.copyfile(y, os.path.join(path2,'JPEGImages'))

    #mv $1/positive/annotations/*.xml $2/Annotations
    for w in pos_annotation:
        shutil.copyfile(w, os.path.join(path2,'Annotations'))

    #mv $1/negative/annotations/*.xml $2/Annotations
    for z in neg_annotation:
        shutil.copyfile(z, os.path.join(path2,'Annotations'))

    #cut -d' ' -f1 $1/positive_label.txt > $4_trainval.txt
    for line in open(path1+'/positive_label.txt')
        line.split(' ')[0]

Without testing, something like that should works. 没有测试,这样的东西应该有效。

#cut -d' ' -f1 $1/positive_label.txt > $4_trainval.txt
positive = path1+'/positive_label.txt'
path4 = os.path.join(arg4, '_trainval.txt')

with open(positive, 'r') as input_, open(path4, 'w') as output_:
    for line in input_.readlines():
        output_.write(line.split()[0] + "\n")

This code defines the two files we will work with and opens both. 此代码定义了我们将使用的两个文件并打开它们。 The first is opened in read mode, the second in write mode. 第一个在读模式下打开,第二个在写模式下打开。 For each line in the input file, we write the first find data separated by a space to the output file. 对于输入文件中的每一行,我们将由空格分隔的第一个查找数据写入输出文件。

Check Reading and Writing Files in Python for more informations about files into Python. 检查Python中的读取和写入文件,以获取有关Python文件的更多信息。

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