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[英]Using proxyquire in a browserify factor bundle

Stuck with this one. 卡在这一个。

I am using laravel elxir with tsify to generate my js. 我使用laravel elxirtsify产生我的js。 I run the typescript through factor-bundle to split common js modules into a seperate files. 我通过factor-bundle运行打字稿,将常见的js模块拆分为单独的文件。 I don't think though that will be a problem in this case because everything is in a spec.js 我认为这种情况下不会有问题,因为所有内容都在spec.js中

spec.ts 规格

/// <reference path="../../../typings/index.d.ts" />
import "jasmine-jquery";
// @start widgets
import "./widgets/common/widget-factory/test";

factory-widget/index.ts factory-widget / index.ts

export class WidgetFactory {
 .... this contains a require call to browser.service which i need to mock

factory-widget/test.ts 工厂小工具/test.ts

import {WidgetFactory} from "./index";
const proxyRequire =  require("proxyquire");

  it("should output the factory items", ()=> {

            "@global": true,

browser-service.ts 浏览器服务

export class BrowserService implements IBrowserService{

Getting an error Uncaught TypeError: require.resolve is not a function on line 262. 获取错误Uncaught TypeError: require.resolve is not a function第262行上Uncaught TypeError: require.resolve is not a function

Here is the code ( yeah it's over 20,000 lines ) how else are you supposed to debug this stuff . 这是代码(是的,超过20,000行)您还应该如何调试这些东西。 ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ¯_(ツ)_ /¯

I've looked at Stubbing with proxyquire . 用proxyquire看了Stubbing I am not holding my breath getting an answer on this one. 我没有屏息地回答这个问题。

Edit: 06-09-2016 Proxquire is needed to overide the require call in the boot method of the WidgetFactory class 编辑:06-09-2016 Proxquire需要覆盖WidgetFactory类的启动方法中的require调用

In factory-widget/index.ts: 在factory-widget / index.ts中:

boot(output = true):any {
        let required = {};

        if (this._sorted.length) {
            this._sorted.forEach((key)=> {
                if (output) {
                    // this is where is need to overide the call to require. 
                    required[key] = require(`${this._path}${key}/index`);

            this._sorted.forEach((key)=> {

                let dependencies = {},
                    module = this._factory[key];

                if (module.hasOwnProperty(this.dependencyKey)) {
                    module[this.dependencyKey].map((key)=> {
                        dependencies[_.camelCase(key)] = this.isService(module) ? new required[key] : key;

                if (this.isTag(module)) {
                    if (output) {
                        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ()=> {
                            riot.mount(key, dependencies);
                else {


I've added a proxyquireify example to the tsify GitHub repo. 我在tsify GitHub存储库中添加了一个proxyquireify示例。 It's based on the simple example in the proxyquireify README.md . 它基于proxyquireify README.md的简单示例

The significant parts are the re-definition of require to call proxyquire in foo-spec.ts : 该显著的部分是重新定义require调用proxyquirefoo-spec.ts

const proxyquire = require('proxyquireify')(require);
require = function (name) {
    const stubs = {
        './bar': {
            kinder: function () { return 'schokolade'; },
            wunder: function () { return 'wirklich wunderbar'; }
    return proxyquire(name, stubs);
} as NodeRequire;

and the configuration of the proxyquire plugin in build.js : 和的配置proxyquire在插件build.js

    .require(require.resolve('./src/foo-spec.ts'), { entry: true })

If you build the bundle.js and run it under Node.js, you should see that the message written to the console includes strings returned by the functions in the stubbed ./bar module. 如果构建bundle.js并在Node.js下运行它,则应该看到写入控制台的消息包括存根的./bar模块中的函数返回的字符串。

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