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[英]Matplotlib global legend for lots of subplots

i have some problem figuring out how to force matplotlib to add a legend where i want. 我在弄清楚如何强制matplotlib在我想要的位置添加图例时遇到一些问题。

The figures i currently have look like this: 我目前的数字如下所示: 在此处输入图片说明


I generate this 2 paged plot with the following script: 我使用以下脚本生成此2页的图:

n = 1
trn = True
for i in diff.keys():
    plt.subplot(8, 4, n)
    plt.xlim([0, rounds + 1])
    plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5)
    if PEPTIDE_KD[i] == 1e-2:
        plt.plot(x_cord, [x[0] for x in diff[i]], 'ro--', label='asd')
        plt.plot(x_cord, [x[1] for x in diff[i]], 'rv--', label='bsd')
        plt.plot(x_cord, [x[0] for x in diff[i]], 'bo--', label='asd')
        plt.plot(x_cord, [x[1] for x in diff[i]], 'bv--', label='csd')
    n += 1
    if n == 33 and trn:
        n = 1
        trn = False
        plt.suptitle('Ligand energies')
        plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5)

plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.05, 1), loc=1)
plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5)

However i would like to place the legend at the left side of the very first subplot, or to the right side of last subplot in the first line. 但是我想将图例放在第一个子图的左侧,或放在第一行中最后一个子图的右侧。

I can do this with an if line == 0 bla bla, but the problem is as you can see in the plots i attached that for example the last plot only contains blue data, hence only the blue legend will show. 我可以使用if line == 0 bla bla来执行此操作,但是问题是,正如您在我所附的图中看到的那样,例如最后一个图仅包含蓝色数据,因此仅显示蓝色图例。 I would like to place a full legend (red and blue) as well to the very same place. 我想将完整的图例(红色和蓝色)也放置在同一位置。 I dont even know where blue and red plot will be placed beforehand. 我什至不知道蓝色和红色的情节将被预先放置在哪里。

Is this possible? 这可能吗?

尝试使用图形图例 ,该图例将为您图形中绘制的任何线条创建一个图例,并将其相对于图形放置

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