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[英]Run JUnit test with external parameter using gradle

I have a Gradle project, in which gradle test (from the Java plugin https://docs.gradle.org/current/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test.html ) would run JUnit tests. 我有一个Gradle项目,其中gradle测试 (来自Java插件https://docs.gradle.org/current/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test.html )将运行JUnit测试。

The test is using a network connection, and I need to pass to the test some hostname, parameter from command line of the test, preferably attached to gradle command line, or otherwise, editing build.gradle file. 该测试使用网络连接,我需要将一些主机名,测试命令行中的参数传递给测试,最好将其附加到gradle命令行中,否则,请编辑build.gradle文件。

How I could pass to my test a certain string? 如何将某个字符串传递给我的测试?

build.gradle build.gradle

apply plugin: 'java'

test {
    systemProperty 'test.hostname', System.getProperty('test.hostname')

Test case 测试用例

Assert.assertEquals("foo", System.getProperty("test.hostname"));

Then from command line 然后从命令行

gradle test -Dtest.hostname=foo

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