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[英]clojure.spec validation for fdef

I am trying to write a higher order function in clojure.spec with version 1.9.0-alpha11 and have not been able to get the validation to execute against the returned function. 我试图在版本1.9.0-alpha11 clojure.spec中编写更高阶的函数,并且无法对返回的函数执行验证。

Using the example in the Higher order functions section of the clojure.spec guide, I define an adder form as: 使用clojure.spec指南的高阶函数部分中的示例,我将adder表单定义为:

(defn adder [x] #(+ x %))

As described in the guide, I create a spec as: 如指南中所述,我创建了一个规范:

(s/fdef adder
  :args (s/cat :x number?)
  :ret (s/fspec :args (s/cat :y number?)
                :ret number?)
  :fn #(= (-> % :args :x) ((:ret %) 0)))

When I execute it in the repl, an exception is thrown instead of the desired spec validation error: 当我在repl中执行它时,抛出异常而不是所需的规范验证错误:

user> (def add2 (adder 2))
user> (add2 2)
user> (add2 "s")
ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number  clojure.lang.Numbers.add (Numbers.java:128)                                                                                                                                                           

I attempted to turn spec'ing on with (stest/instrument `adder) . 我试图用(stest/instrument `adder)打开specining。 While this works for functions, it is not working for Higher order functions . 虽然这适用于函数,但它不适用于高阶函数

As it stands in clojure 1.9-alpha14 higher order functions cannot be validated in that way. 因为它位于clojure 1.9-alpha14中,所以无法以这种方式验证高阶函数。 Looking at clojure.spec.test/instrument , it is looking for functions in spec's registry, which will only include fdef'd functions. 看看clojure.spec.test/instrument ,它正在查看spec的注册表中的函数,它只包含fdef'd函数。

The fspec in the :ret will be used when testing adder via clojure.spec.test/check and alongside documenting the function that is the value of it. 当通过clojure.spec.test/check测试adder时,将使用:ret的fspec,并记录作为其值的函数。

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