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Apache POI数据透视表:不重复计数(Excel 2013)

[英]Apache POI Pivot Table: Distinct count (Excel 2013)

I have to create a pivottable in Excel 2013 with Apache POI including a value field using the "distinct count" summarize function (eg as explained in http://datapigtechnologies.com/blog/index.php/distinct-count-in-pivot-tables-finally-in-excel-2013/ ) 我必须在Excel 2013中使用Apache POI使用“ distinct count”摘要功能创建一个包含值字段的数据透视表(例如,如http://datapigtechnologies.com/blog/index.php/distinct-count-in-pivot中所述) -tables-finally-in-excel-2013 /

AFAIK it is not included in poi's DataConsolidateFunction. AFAIK它不包含在poi的DataConsolidateFunction中。 Does someone know a workaround for this? 有人知道解决方法吗?

I am currently using POI Version 3.14. 我目前正在使用POI版本3.14。

Unfortunately, POI uses the Excel 2010 specification right now, so the appropriate nodes may not exist in the API. 不幸的是,POI现在使用Excel 2010规范,因此API中可能不存在适当的节点。 You can check by renaming a sample that has the functionality you are looking for, then look in the spec at http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-376.htm to see if the appropriate XML nodes are supported in the file format. 您可以通过重命名具有所需功能的示例进行检查,然后在http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-376.htm规范中进行查看,以查看是否有适当的XML节点支持文件格式。 POI uses the first edition spec. POI使用第一版规范。 There has been talk of supporting something newer, but it has not yet been done. 人们一直在谈论支持更新的东西,但尚未完成。

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